Buying software for classes

<p>Next semester I'm taking Eng 77. I'm wondering if most people buy matlab or something and work at home or do most use a computer lab. 2nd semester I'm taking Eng 28 and I have the same question, do people buy Autocad and Solidworks and work from their computer. I guess people suggest you should have some programming experience before taking Eng 77, I've never used Matlab, but have some experience in C++. Will that help?</p>

<p>yeah, having experience in programming definitely helps. i had some c++ and java background before e77 and it helped (although i hated the class even though i like programming). i couldn't imagine going through the semester going to the lab all the time to get all of those labs/hws done. a bunch of people get copies off of dc++.</p>


<p>I guess the professors don't care much about licensing issues then.</p>

<p>A slightly random question, which C++ compiler is used at Cal?</p>