Buying Textbooks

<p>I know this is early but how exactly do I go about buying textbooks? Since I live overseas, I can get textbooks here pretty cheap. But how do I know what textbooks will I need (I am a engineering major taking chem, calc, physics, english comp)
Can I buy textbooks from another student so that it is cheaper and is there a used book store in west lafayette?</p>

<p>I too live overseas and my brother is in his last year at UT,austin. From what I gather 99.9 % of the times one can purchase used books from the campus itself [ thru the university or thru students] . However , the prices are still higher than those available in my country [ india] . So what i suggest is if you plan on returning to your home [overseas] after a semester or two .... - Go to univ empty handed [ 1st semester] and leave for your country with names of the books youll need over the next 2 semesters [ i.e 1 year ] then buy those books before returning to college.</p>

<p>Textbooks are indeed very expensive over here (in USA). At this link: <a href=""&gt;;/a> you can find out what textbooks you need, it looks like it will be very helpful. We aren't ordering them yet because son is waiting for more AP scores to see exactly what level he will be in. If you have the chance to buy them in India cheaper, I say "go for it" as they are so expensive here. LaFollete (spell?) is the name of a store that was on campus and someone said they deliver to your dorm room. I like to use and but will stay open minded. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>Thanks for the link and responding. what are the books used for Calculus II, general chemistry and physics:mechanics, the link only had books for engineering, but what about pre-engineering courses?</p>

<p>go to</p>

<p>if you can find out the book and the book number (isbn) buy them online. you'll save a lot of money.</p>

<p>actually me and my roomate will be opening up new website specifically for purdue. the website will mainly consist of helping student communicate with each other about classes, hmwk, and will offer the ability for students to coordinate with one another to buy and sell textbooks amongst each other (because you will find follett's gives you pitiful buyback rates for many textbooks.) it will also feature class notes, practice tests, advice, lifestyle, opinion articles, etc... look for us later during the school year, we will probably be recruiting students to donate notes, etc.. and make contributions to the website for the betterment of the general student body.</p>

<p>i used efollett to get a list of books for each class. then i went to in order to get prices. it's a student-made webiste that compares different sellers' prices. however, the only problem is that the edition sometimes gets screwed up when looking on that website. so i had to search for books again on the sellers' websites to get the right edition. then i compared those prices. so far, i've found books for all my classes except chem, and the total is about $285. i just don't know if some of the sellers are dependable, but i'm going to read user reviews to figure that out.</p>

<p>How does a person find out the ISBN number? I have another son who has always just ordered from the college bookstore once he's there because we can't find the ISBN number ahead of time. Thanks.</p>

<p>if you visit the book store when you're on campus and know the class number in which your taking, you can look at the books available and just copy down the isbn number. it can usually be found on the inside cover or on the back. i did this my freshman year and purchased a calc book (that i was only going to be using for one semester anyways) for approximately $4.00 online. the same book cost about $120.00 at the store. in addition you can still sell these books back (yes the ones you bought elsewhere) back to the bookstore.</p>

<p>hdotchar, I look forward to your website and thanks for the help.</p>

<p>Yes, thanks for the help. We won't be going to campus soon but perhaps later this summer we'll get that opportunity.</p>