<p>Emma</a> Watson chooses Cambridge rather than America - Telegraph</p>
<p>Emma</a> Watson chooses Cambridge rather than America - Telegraph</p>
<p>It’s okay. I hear she has Candida albicans growing all over her palate.</p>
<p>She has already contradicted this report on her Website.</p>
<p>Then today there is this:</p>
<p>[People</a> - The Independent](<a href=“http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/pandora/pandora-i-was-nervous-says-rourke-of-bafta-gaffe-1607253.html]People”>Pandora: I was nervous, says Rourke of Bafta gaffe | The Independent | The Independent)</p>
<p>^ I think that’s been copied from an older article. I’m pretty sure she’s going to Cambridge.</p>
<p>She might end up there, but since she has explicitly denied having made a decision yet and since the Telegraph article appeared before she had even taken her January SAT’s, the evidence suggests she is still undecided.</p>
<p>She might have to wait until March 31 like everyone else.</p>
<p>No offense to anyone, but you do realize that her acceptance could mean our rejection?</p>
<p>^ Unless you live in the UK that’s not true. Admissions are done on a regional basis.</p>
<p>Pretty sure the famous actress getting in isn’t the sole barrier between you and Yale</p>
<p>So say I live in Alabama. I’m competing with applicants from the south?</p>
<p>Say I’m URM. I’m competing with URM from the south?</p>
<p>I’d like to point out that she may have accepted Cambridge, but that doesn’t mean that she’s going there. Tons of people accept to their safeties and then rescind of they change their mind.</p>
<p>That being said… does it really matter?</p>
<p>^ Yeahaaaa, but you’re not from the Dirty South. </p>
<p>(Dirty South is said with high levels of affection.)</p>
<p>lol I wonder how she did on her SATs.</p>
<p>^ She got straight perfect scores on like 6 A-levels (which, according to my British friend, is absolutely sick, similar to making 5s on 10-12 APs), so I’m assuming she did fine.</p>
<p>I watched her go on the Dave Letterman show once, and he asked her something along the lines of “so what kind of grades do you get? what kind of student are you?” She awkwardly looked around and was like “uhhhhh…As. Straight…As,” as if to say: “Why are you even asking me that? Of course I make straight As!”</p>
<p>lolz, that’s why I love her XD</p>
<p>Oh well… Emma Watson would have made things… interesting… (I’d have a side job as a paparazzi)</p>
<p>Don’t you guys see that it’s threads like this that make her not want to go to Yale? … any teen is just looking for the normal college experience.</p>
<p>^ Sure, but when she signed her name on the dotted line for the Sorcerer’s Stone movie at age 10, she traded her privacy for fame.</p>
<p>hookem: It’s 4 As at A-level that she got ( or 3? don’t remember), and that’s not particularly ‘sick’ considering the subjects she chose and this year’s record of 22 As at A-level. <em>That’s</em> ‘sick’ ( or ‘wicked’, or other such bizarre terms you youngsters use). :)</p>
<p>I hope, for hookem’s sake she goes, but I still think she’s utterly charmless ( youtube her Letterman appearance. Oof!)</p>
<p>Lol, 6 A-levels sounds a bit impossible.</p>
<p>From what I can see from research she did 3 A-levels (geography, art and English) and 1 AS-level in history of art. This is still a fantastic score, but not incredibly astounding; a third of my graduating class got around the same or better.</p>
<p>lol at the trading the privacy for fame thing. that is so true – and if not her, than her parents were not stupid and realized that they were never going to have a normal girl again.</p>
<p>on a side note, i just read the craziest article of the week – after salma hayek breastfeeding (so jealous) a random kid. check out something about a 13 year kid becoming a dad – and how he looks like he is eight.</p>