C-C-C-C-Chances please =]

<p>Ethnicity: Asian Male, Currently in my junior year</p>

<p>SAT I: Just took October... I'm expecting bad. Possibly low 2000's =[
Will retake December probably, Aiming 2200+</p>

<p>SAT II:
-690 Bio I
-680 Chem ( Retaking November )
-Taking Math II and History this, or next year</p>

-UW: ~3.71
-W: ~4.38</p>

<p>Course Load:
-The hardest my school offers </p>

-Taking AP Macro & Micro this year, in addition to AP U.S. History</p>

-Hopefully top 10% , public school, class size around 260 kids</p>

~100 hours volunteering
- Varsity Golf ( 9, 10, 11, 12) - Made States Competitions during sophomore year
- Freshman (9), JV (10, 11[Captain]), Varsity (12) Basketball
- Freshman (9), JV (10) Cross Country
- National Honor Society (11, 12)
- Spanish Honor Society (11, 12)
- Future Business Leaders of America (9, 10 member) (11, 12 President) (80+ members)
- Eco Club (9 member), (10 secretary), (11 Vice President), (12 Co-President) (60+ members)
-Wrote articles for school newspaper
-Took a 1 week course at Georgetown University - Leadership & Ethics
-Took a 2 week course at Brown University - Alternative Energy Engineering
-Took a 1 week camp at Cornell University for golf
-Took a 1 week camp at Penn State - Stock Market Madness</p>

-7th out of ~50 in FBLA regional test for Intro to Business
-4th out of ~15 in FBLA regional test for Intro to Technology Concepts
-Taking the Economics test this year @ Regional Competitions for FBLA
-FBLA National Financial Challenge- Outstanding Performance
-8-year award for piano
-Congressional Award- Bronze (100 hours?)
-Honor Roll @ my school</p>

<p>Work Experience:
-Worked at a golf camp for kids during summer which is ~30 hours a week</p>

<p>Please chance me (Business, Finance, Economics/Math Programs) at:</p>

<p>University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
Boston College (EA)
University of Chicago
Carnegie Mellon University Tepper (EA- Attending summer program this summer)
Georgetown (EA)
UNC Chapel Hill
Notre Dame
Northwestern University
NYU Stern
Duke University
UC Berkeley</p>

Cornell University
Brown University
University of Pennsylvania</p>

<p>I might be forgetting something.... but thank youuu!!!</p>

<p>bump. 10char</p>

<p>bump for the night</p>

<p>bump??? plz =]</p>

<p>It’s pretty hard to give advice when you don’t provide a real SAT score or a class rank, but it looks like your stats are too low for the Ivies, especially as an Asian male. Maybe if you live in an under-represented state like North Dakota?</p>

<p>Just assume the worst. Let’s say, like a 2100 SAT</p>

<p>I currently havea 4.44 weighted and a 3.93 unweighted gpa, but I lowered my gpa up there b/c i’m assuming the worst for junior year. </p>

<p>If i maintain my current gpa, I will def. be 10% in my grade.</p>

<p>Don’t chance me for ivies then =]</p>

<p>Just the other schools… I didn’t plan to be competitive for ivies anyways. I’m just gonna apply those for fun =D</p>

<p>how are you applying EA to all of those schools when Georgetown is restrictive?</p>

<p>[Georgetown</a> University- Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://uadmissions.georgetown.edu/applying_firstyear_earlyaction.cfm]Georgetown”>http://uadmissions.georgetown.edu/applying_firstyear_earlyaction.cfm)</p>

<p>“Students are welcome to apply to other Early Action programs or other Regular Decision programs while at the same time applying to Georgetown’s Early Action program.”</p>

<p>Are you sure about that?</p>

<p>Based on my son’s Naviance scattergram data, your weighted GPA is a bit low for Northwestern and U. of C. – 4.5-4.6 would be more in the ballpark, and a 32 ACT (roughly SAT 2150) would start to get you in the running. Last year, unfortunately, U. of C.'s applications jumped 40% (the Obama effect) and the acceptance rate dropped to 18%; it’s anybody’s guess if this was a one-time event, since Obama has lost popularity.</p>

<p>Duke has a lower acceptance rate than Cornell; that’s pretty much out. Georgetown and Notre Dame are at or below Northwestern’s acceptance rate. If you can boost both your GPA and your SAT you might have a chance. Otherwise U. of Michigan, U. of Illinois Urbana and some of the others on your list should be within your range of likelies – also consider quality LACs like Oberlin and Carleton that accept around 32% of their applicants.</p>

<p>Are you ****ing kidding me? In what universe is a score in the low 2000s “bad”? I’m sick of these threads on this forum by people who don’t really need any input. Are you just fishing for compliments, or do you truly not realize you’re considering a score 600 points above average to be bad?</p>

<p>LoremIpsum- hey thanks for the input. Yeah I heard about the acceptance rate drop and stuff. I’m tryin hard on the gpa and sat scores. I want to secure a 4.4+ gpa so those colleges will look at my application … And hopefully the retake in december will be better =]</p>

<p>Do you know anything else about like CMU, Stern, or Boston College? </p>

<p>mike17- Hey man, real talk, I didn’t mean to put a 2k SAT score as “bad.” It’s just, in my school, it’s mad competitive and kids here consider like a 2200 to be mediocre (i know, it’s ridiculous) I didn’t post this to just receive compliments and that shiz, I know CC forums can be really rough. I just wanted to see some other input from other students to see how i’m doing in other people’s eyes. I’m one of those hyped up and paranoid kids about college, as you can see. I’m only a junior and have my list of schools i’m going to apply to. The seniors in my school think i’m crazy too. It’s all good. I didn’t mean anything offensive.</p>

<p>mike17 is either having a bad day or simply naive. This is CC. College Confidential, not Community College. Having an SAT score of 2000 is certainly far from bad, but once again, in relation to these forums, it is not good, and especially taking in the relative factor of schools being applied to.</p>

<p>That being said, I think UPenn is going to be a very high reach for you. Northwestern, Duke, University of Chicago, Cornell, and Brown are all reaches to high reaches. UC Berkeley and UNC are probably low reaches to reaches. Notre Dame and CMU, well, perhaps high matches. Anyways, don’t pay too much attention to me. I’m a pessimist by nature, so don’t worry about it; my application doesn’t look too good either.</p>

<p>I didn’t take it as offensive in any way, nor did I mean to single you out as being overly paranoid or unreasonable. I’m simply suggesting the forum as a whole is rife with people who have no need to be so worrisome. I’ve seen people on this forum fret over 790s. I would suggest that these people are far more “naive” than I am for suggesting a 2000+ SAT score is good, even if it is low in relation to a select few elite schools.</p>





<p>You seem to be talking about two different things here. There’s a pretty big difference between worrying about a 790 (which is sort of understandable if we are talking about something like a native language SAT 2) and worrying about a 2000 SAT Reasoning score (which is is going to be a low for more than just “a select elite schools”.</p>

<p>I never said it was unreasonable to worry about a 2000 SAT score if you’re applying to upper echelon schools. It’s simply not a “bad” score.</p>

<p>I see where you’re coming from mike. I don’t want this to become an argument thread :P</p>

<p>So i’m unqualified for ivies, big whoop it’s not the end of my world. There’s lots of good schools out there =D</p>

<p>Does anyone know much about the other schools like BC and CMU ?</p>

<p>bumpp. 10char</p>

<p>bumpity bump</p>

<p>bumppp =[[[</p>

<p>bump??? =[[[</p>