C- in ap calc for midyear...

<p>so my midyear report is about to come out and I have A's and A-'s in 3 AP classes (Chem, psych, and spanish) , a B in ap english lit., and a C- in ap calc. Should i just say goodye to me ED acceptance right now? since we have to send out midyear reports, that's what they will see. i'm pretty sure though that in june when its all over, i will have at least an A- in ap chem, english, psych, and spanish. i'm worried about my ap ab calc class. I try really hard but I just can't seem to do well on the tests. I know the info, i just freeze. What should i do? (any advice would be appreciated)</p>

<p>ps. before this year my final averages in all honors/ap classes has been A- or higher.</p>

<p>I’m actually in a similar situation. I got a B in ap calc for the marking period, but got a freaking D (horrible, I know; math and I don’t get along) on the midterm. Supposedly, when our school sends out the midyear reports, the midterm is averaged into the class grade so the D won’t show up, but regardless, I’ll have an 80 average according to my teacher. I’ve applied RD. Are kimie and I screwed?</p>

<p>Me too guyz i got a 82% on my AP lit.
I am soo bad eng. but still took it. now I am screwed too</p>

<p>One grade doesn’t make a transcript. If you are applying as a Spanish major, for example, I can see some irrelevance for your Calculus grade.</p>

<p>If you are applying to Cornell, there must be something going right. Just stay positive, and prepare Plan B just in case you don’t get in. But you would do that anyway, even if you all aced your courses. College admissions is just so unpredictable these days.</p>

<p>Good luck during your college admissions journeys!</p>

<p>^ thanks for the positivity. But what if we dont have any other options because we had to withdraw/ deny all our other schools because of the ED agreement?</p>

<p>kimie, for what it’s worth, I feel like you don’t have to worry. I’ve read about similar problems in other threads, and most people say that a C isn’t going to get your admission rescinded.</p>

<p>kimie- you are fine. don’t even worry. kids have gone through with D’s. if its one class its okay. two or more starts to raise eyebrows</p>

<p>^I wouldn’t say a D is “okay.” It’s not okay. Even one D will hurt you. Like Jamescchen, if you’re applying as a humanities major, the D (or C-) in AP calc won’t hurt you as much.</p>

<p>thanks for the imput guys, if it’s any help i got into CAS as a psych major ( i know i’ll eventually need stat). Math was never really my thing…</p>

<p>Situations like these occur frequently. Although many will tell you that getting a C or a D in one class is “permissible,” you need to know that it can make or break your college entrance. I’m sorry to say that failure of this magnitude is unacceptable in any circumstances, especially when dealing with Ivy League school admittance. You should begin to worry, for your Cornell dreams may soon be dashed…</p>

<p>yeah. so would my other option be to not go to college for a year, and reapply next year to other schools?</p>

<p>you wont get rescinded for a C. In situations like this, or situations in which students are caught drinking, found in illicit behavior on facebook pics, they may ask for an “explanation” but they won’t take away admission.</p>

<p>Now, if you were RD I’d be more concerned. I’m RD, taking MV Calc and feared I would get a C… but its looking like a B thank goodness</p>

<p>you could try to call once the office reopens and ask but im about 94.9% sure youve got nothing to worry about ;]</p>

<p>brofessor: I think your tone was entirely unnecessary… “your Cornell dreams may soon be dashed”. What nonsense! This poor girl was already accepted, and it seems like she has a particularly difficult math class. I don’t think a C will get her rescinded, but I would say try not to dip into the D range. A D may cause a lot more trouble.
Don’t worry about it, just try to raise the grade if you still have the opportunity.</p>

<p>this is true, chandler. i second that.</p>

<p>ChandlerBing, thanks for that lol. yeah, it’s just a reality shock i guess. i will no doubt be working my butt off the rest of the year. thanks for all your input and opinions, I really appreciate it. good luck to all the RD applicants, i’m sure you guys are awesome people : )</p>

<p>No problem, a C in one class just won’t get you rescinded… I don’t like when bitter people make other people depressed with fictitious nonsense.
I myself was deferred to RD, so I hope I’ll be accepted ><</p>

<p>Modulation, kimie already got in, he/she was asking about being rescinded, which won’t happen from one C- btw. Rescinds are extremely rare, they happen, but not very often, and only if you get multiple Ds or an F.</p>

<p>Trust me on this 1 D is fine
one of my friend (econ major) got a D in AP chem 2nd semester and is currently attending cornell</p>

<p>^ thank you; someone agrees with me :P</p>

<p>good luck chandler. So after reading these posts i feel better. Thanks again guys. by the way prism, i am indeed a girl lol.</p>