cable on computer

<p>my cousins friend says he has cable on his computer... how do you do this? and wouldnt it be smarter to just get a tv?</p>

<p>If you have Windows XP Media Center edition on your computer, like I do, then it's possible. Plus you have to have a TV tuner.</p>

<p>But yeah, it does freeze up now and then; any TV beats it.</p>

<p>... not in a college dorm room. My tv tuner has never frozen on me and I love having it. Saves so much room. </p>

<p>Btw, just having XP Media Center doesn't allow you to watch TV - you still need the physical connection to a coax cable, which means you'll need a TV tuner card anyway. There is no mobo I know of that includes a coax connection.</p>

<p>Works beautifully. Yeah, its not HDTV quality, but its good enough to have in a small box in the corner of the screen while I work.</p>

<p>I have a "Happague wintv go"...even came with a remote (purchased for 20$ after rebates). Other models include ATI's TV Wonder series. They all work about equally well for basic viewing, some have advanced recording features.</p>


<p>wow... TV in the corner of the screen... I procrastinate enough as is!</p>

<p>You don't need XP Media Center to use a tuner card. XP Home will do just fine.</p>

<p>And why bring a TV when you could save space and watch it on your computer? It just wouldn't make much sense.</p>

<p>a tv could be larger?</p>

<p>any os will work, actually, as long as drivers are available. im running mine in win2k :). as for a tv being larger, yes, but where are you going to put it?</p>

<p>One thing to remember is where is the cable tv jack going to be located in your room? In my room, it's located between our closets in such a way that a desk would not fit there but a TV sitting on a chest would. I should also add that the ethernet jacks are on the opposite side of the room, where our desks are.</p>

<p>But if you're really interested, you don't need Win XP Media Center Edition (I should've clarified that earlier, my fault). You could use one of these USB tuners w/ software:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>how much does everything cost together?</p>

<p>good question about the where are you going to put the tv? how large of a tv should i bring to college? see i work at best buy and could get a considerable amount off and im not sure how large is too large of a tv would be.... would a LCD flat panel be better and is 36in too big?</p>

<p>The only place in my room is on the desk -- my roommmate has a tv and the largest he could fit with writing space was 11" in addition to his computer monitor..</p>

<p>You can get a bigger computer monitor too...</p>