<p>Hi guys, I was also accepted to BMC (class of 2011 babyyy!) and I was just wondering if cable is available in the dorm rooms? How about high speed internet? </p>
<p>While you guys are at it, can you guys also tell me about the quality of life at bryn mawr?
thank you!</p>
<p>Well, Bryn Mawr is in the top 10 of Princeton Review's lists for "Dorm Rooms Like Palaces" and "Best Food", so I think the quality of life is pretty high.
I don't know if there's cable available, but definitely high speed internet, and wireless in a lot of places as well.</p>
<p>wireless is on most of campus, but not all; we have ethernet cords in all the dorm rooms. If you get particular tv antennas, you can experiment with what channels one gets, but usually, cable in the two common rooms.</p>
<p>im not sure about this year, but cable was definitely not in individual dorm rooms last year (and im pretty sure that hasnt changed). there's satellite in all the common rooms, though. i think a few years ago the student body voted to change from cable in all rooms to satellite in just the common rooms. in the beginning i wouldve loved to have cable, you get used to it. most people end up spending less time watching tv.</p>