Hi guys.
I’m currently on my 3rd year at CC. I’m missing two general classes to transfer to a CSU (Speech and Stats). Currently i’m finishing and most likely going to pass speech but will be taking math next semester (spring 2019). Previously I got a notice saying I would be disqualified for calgrant A since I had gone over the time limit or something. I sent an appeal and I guess they approved it but I ended up failing math in the fall so I will need to take it in the the spring to be able to transfer. What will happen to the Cal Grant A since i’m over the time limit? Do I lose it and will never be able to get it? I have a friend in CC who receives cal grant B. Am i able to switch cal grants or am i screwed for going over the time? Thanks.
All of this information is available on the California Student Aid Commission website AND they usually give you some written information when you receive your first CalGrant. My advice to you is to read it and understand it. Contact them by phone. They are very helpful.
You need to understand that Cal grants are only for 4 years of time in ANY combination of education. From the minute you start your education at a CCC or at a university-that’s it-four years total. So, if you use up three years of funding at a CC, this means you will only get 1 year of funding at the CSU that you plan on transferring to after the CC.
They sent you a warning that you were hitting year 3 of funding. When you “appealed”, you gave them an “okay” that you wanted to begin to use your 3rd year of funding.
At a CC, you are only supposed to use 2 years and use the remainder at your transfer school. Are you going to be able to afford the CSU for the last year? If I were you, I would fully pay for those two extra classes at the CC, and pay for supplies on your own. It’s cheaper than paying full fees for a year at your CSU.