Cal grant question(GPA VERIFICATION)

<p>Okay, i am a freshman, with less than 24 units completed i believe.</p>

<p>It says for people over 24 units, they don't have to officially ask or anything since ucb will take care of it.</p>

<p>But it says for people under 24 units, we need to get a gpa verification again by high school again? I already have cal grant for freshman year, but to be eligible for sophomore year, what else do i have to sumbit other than fafsa?</p>

<p>Did you guys submit fafsa yet? Is the deadilne on March 2nd like everyone else?</p>

<p>To answer your question, refer to my last post on the thread I made earlier (the one you posted on, I think it will clear it up), that statement for 24 units only applies to people w/o cal grant </p>

<p>yes Undergraduate priority deadline is March 2nd (positive), nothing else needs to be submitted besides the FAFSA if you are already receiving Cal Grant(refer to my last post on the other thread)</p>

<p>if someone can back me up hereā€¦</p>