Cal Poly Chances?

With decisions starting to roll out, we’re getting nervous! Can anyone help with what you think my son’s chances for acceptance are? I don’t know how to calculate his SLO GPA, but his UC GPA is 4.1. His GPA for 9-11 is 4.08, but that includes:

5 “XL” classes in grades 9-10
1 Honors class grade 11
1 AP class grade 10
3 AP classes grade 11

He’s applying under psychology, is in-state but out-of-area, played/es one high school/club sport, has plenty of ECs, club activities, and volunteer work.

Any thoughts?

He looks competitive to me. My sense is that they are not finished releasing acceptances.

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I hope so! Kids in his school just started hearing back yesterday, but none who applied under liberal arts have heard yet. Cal Poly is one of his two top choices so this is gut wrenching!