Cal Poly Class of 2022 Thread

Haven’t seen one of these up yet, and decisions are coming out pretty soon, so here it is.

2 people on Reddit said they got decisions today. I still have no decision. Does anyone know what the timeline for decision release is like (especially for engineering)?

My sons portal still says “no determination”. I think based on past years mid-feb is the usual timeline.

@pleasgod: Are you sure the decisions posted on Reddit are for Cal Poly SLO not CaL Poly Pomona. Cal Poly Pomona is known for notifying high stat/honor’s college invitees early (End of January). Unless SLO has changed their decision dates from the previous years, Mid-February is when you should be hearing.

@Gumbymom 100% sure it was SLO

I tried to find it on Reddit and couldn’t locate it - I had the same question as to whether it was Pomona.



Looks like decisions might start rolling out for the rest of the colleges in the coming two weeks! I wonder if the OOS applicants are finding out earlier like they have been in years past.

It could have been an accidental release of information … Now the portal is down from 8pm - midnight, presumably they are “fixing” the issue.

Honestly I don’t think there has been any issue of the decisions being accidentally leaked out early. Both people in the reddit thread stated that they were OOS and that they received actual acceptance/rejection letters via email in addition to initially checking their decision through the portal, which may indicate that it was deliberate.

If I recall correctly, Cal Poly traditionally releases their decisions for OOS students a day before they release the in-state applicant decisions, so hopefully they are just making last minute tweaks to the portal before the onslaught of in-state students check their decisions.

I really hope decisions come out tomorrow. I honestly cannot persevere with this anxiety anymore…

That screenshot is real…someone has heard. Why is this thread so hard to find? Searching for Cal Poly SLO doesn’t bring this one to the top. Adding @eyemgh.

I still think it’s a unintended leak. No way they’ll just notify these two guys and not everyone else. After the “emergency outage” last night, I think they plugged the leak. (I work in IT so I know – nobody do a maintenance on Wednesday night. Regular scheduled maintenance are always on a non-business day, such as Saturday night.)

they usually release in waves. last year one guy reported hearing in the last week of January on the discussion thread… maybe this was just the smallest wave or something??

@venm1337 one of the people said they were in-state but at an international school, not OOS. so maybe us in-staters still have hope for hearing soon? fingers crossed

If you want to find the thread on reddit it’s under “Applying to College” not the Cal Poly SLO thread

Real or not, time will tell. Suffice it to say, people fake this stuff every year, at lots of schools, and it would be highly out of character relative to Poly’s previous acceptance releases.

So should we be expecting a release in the next week? Today? Tomorrow?

If I remember correctly, the Congratulations message stated your major. In the link, there is no major mentioned so I would say this posting may not be real but as @eyemgh stated, only time will tell.

Yes, I believe in waves, but one person doesn’t make a wave. If ten people report it, then it’s a wave.

Scroll down. He/she posted the full picture later, with the major (Comp Sci) and the fact that they were accepted from over 65,000 applications. It looks to me like an early release error, since they shut it down right after.

I got an email today, telling me that I was accepted into Cal Poly SLO architecture- and I have gotten the acceptance a couple days ago via the website. I am international, so I am not sure if that would have affected the application somehow? However, I think it is most likely that the first wave of letters has already been handed out. :smiley: