Cal Poly Class of 2026 Freshman Waitlist Discussion

SLO could start pulling students off the waitlist as early as April if there are spots available. They will usually do the admits in waves where they are given 5-7 days to accept or decline. If all the spots are not filled, then another wave of admits will be notified until all spots are filled. Once the spots are filled the waitlist will be closed and all applicants still waiting will be notified. It is possible that it could stay open until July. You can always decline later if you do not want to stay on the list.

What you have to do now is enroll in another school by May 1 until you hear from SLO.


My OOS, S22 got waitlisted for CS just now

Looks like a batch of waitlists today got WL OOS

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Hello, Iā€™m waitlisted for Architecture. I have not done a visit yet because I was waiting for an acceptance or rejectionā€¦. didnā€™t give much thought to this alternative. Is there any way to know how many are WL by major, or a way to try to gauge if itā€™s worthwhile to miss school and spend the time and money to fly down there and do a visit? Iā€™m leaning toward doing it just because I realize if I get the offer Iā€™ll have very little time to make a decision. Thanks for any adviceā€¦.

SLO will not break out waitlist numbers by major only the # waitlisted and the # admitted.

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same here

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Thank you. Iā€™m going to go ahead and book a flight. If nothing else itā€™s a great time of year to visit, and I have friends to visit on the central coast.

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Same for my S22 as well. Never receive any email with the ā€œcancel surveyā€ info either. And we called to check his email as well as made sure it was correct in the system.

Thank you for the info and help! Much appreciated!

Iā€™m sure this is answered but I have been off this for wile when does cal poly start to go threw the waitlist meaning when does the first wave start on that?

Waitlist admits can start at anytime if spots open up. After May 1 would be the expected date for waitlist admits.


Do anyone know the chance for transfer between UCs and also between two cal polys?

UC to UC and CSU to UC transfers are lower priority since CC transfers get the highest priority. The issue with either transfer is there are not specific articulation agreements between the CSUā€™s and UCā€™s but transfers are possible. The CSUā€™s and UCā€™s require 60 semester/90 quarter units to transfer so you should expect to spend at least 2 years at your current college. Also starting at any college with the intention of transferring, limits your chance to form meaningful connections to your fellow students, professors and your campus in general.

CSU to UC, UC to UC or CSU to UC limits you on being able to apply for UC TAG (Transfer Agreement Guarantee) and CSU ADT (Associate Degree Transfer) which only can done through a community college.

I suggest you do further research to see which type of transfer would be the best in the long run for your situation.

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Thanks for the information. I did some research and didnā€™t find any TAG or articulation agreement for ME or engineering major. My thought is the chance for transfer may make no difference among community colleges, UCs and cal polys. I heard a person was admitted to USC after done his freshman in CPP for EE. Just curious which way has better chance for the transfer. Is it a better chance for transfer among UCs or from UC to SLO , or from CPP to SLO?

I do not want to derail this discussion so I will PM you.

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My apologies if this has been covered before, I wasnā€™t able to find it in the chain of past postsā€¦but I have heard that Cal Poly may email, post to portal or CALL the applicant to alert them of being accepted off their wait list? Does anyone have info on this? I have told my S22 to check everything regardless, but I was just concerned on the phone call situation if they are at work or practice they cannot always answer the phone immediately. So wanted to see how the ā€œalertsā€ to being accepted off wait list have been done in the past? Thanks for any info on this! Greatly appreciated!

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My S22 said his friend got off the WL last week for business. I asked him a couple times if he is sure that she was on the WL and he said yes. Wanted to share the good news that it has started and hope we will all hear back soon too.


Thanks for this infoā€¦thats good to knowā€¦ hoping all hear back as well!

Any in-state waitlist movement? ONE person on Zeemee (or whatever) said they were ā€œOn the waitlist for 2 weeks and got inā€ ā€“ which seems unlikely and would mean they got in before April 1. This has spun up my very anxious and worried son.

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I have never heard of SLO calling regarding the waitlist. SLO will post the admit from the waitlist on the student portal first then followed by an email.

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