Hi all. Just wanted to see if there are any applicants looking to get into the Sociology department. I know that since this is a Poly school, most people are not applying for the social sciences. But if you’re out there…let me know. Best of luck!
I’m a transfer student.
CC: College of the Canyons, Los Angeles Valley College, Los Angeles Mission College
4yr: CSUB (I’m a senior-level transfer)
CSU GPA: 3.51
A.A.-T Sociology & A.S. Administration of Justice with General Ed. Certification
I’m not a Social Sciences applicant but I am also a senior trying to transfer from a 4 year university (SFSU). I’ve heard that transferring from a 4 year is more difficult than transferring from a community college. Let us know if you got accepted or not so I have an idea.
My GPA is much lower (3.01 now but 2.88 when I applied, unfortunately) and I am an English major.
@kittenfarts that’s nice to see that there are other senior-level applicants. I was wondering about whether or not it would be more difficult for us to get in. I figured it would be. Let’s keep our fingers crossed though. I will definitely post whether or not I get in. Thanks for the reply. 
I’ve read on college boards that it is more difficult for us to transfer, but I’m not sure if it’s true or not. I would think the school benefits from admitting seniors because we are almost sure to graduate from their institution, since we are already so close, and that makes them look good statistically. Here is a snippet of an email I received from CPP’s admissions office when I asked about the likelihood of being admitted as a 4-year transfer:
"Students from other 4-year universities follow the same requirements as transfer students.
If you were accepted to SFSU as an upper-division transfer, then you should already meet minimum CSU Transfer Requirements."
I’m hoping this means we have an equal chance as community college transfers.
I will keep you posted if I hear anything. Good luck to you!
I am a sociology major! I was accepted for the fall! 
That’s awesome @kippycap I’m still waiting with “decision pending” status. When were you accepted?
I was accepted on March 13! My status was only “decision pending” for like one day before I got my decision, so hopefully you will hear soon.
Major: Sociology (General sociology, but hoping to maybe change it to an emphasis on social work)
Location: College of the Desert (in-state, nonlocal)
GPA: 3.74
Applied: Cal Poly Pomona, SDSU, UCSD, UCSB, UCI, UCB
Accepted: CPP, UCSB
Have you heard from any other schools? And what are you hoping to do with a sociology degree? I’m hoping to go into CPS.
I was talking to someone at my CC who used to go to CPP (And had to drop out for financial reasons), and he said they have a great sociology department with options up to doctorates for it, which made me feel better about my decision to go there, cause I was self-conscience about going to a Polytechnic for sociology 
First of all, Poly means “many” and a university is a place to learn about the universe, and yes that includes the social sciences. It’s an unfortunate misconception that the Cal Poly’s are “tech” schools. A distinction which can sometimes be interpreted in the pejorative as a “trade” school. I think Cal Poly Pomona is working at ridding themselves of this association. I believe the social science department is one of the higher demand majors on campus as is architecture, which as a graduate, I’d like to think is more of a liberal arts major which emphasized holistic thinking and problem solving as opposed to technical thinking. I’ve heard fine things about the Social Sciences at CPP. Almost 2k applicants for sociology and 3k for Psychology, with acceptance rates of 25 and 33 percent respectively.
Hey that’s great to know, @mrsleonore! I think the association might also be because Cal Poly SLO is one of the best engineering schools in California. Thank you for clearing up some of the misconceptions I had, however. 
@kippycap I only applied to the Poly’s… CPP and SLO. I already attend Cal State Bakersfield’s satellite campus in Lancaster. I hate it there. It is basically a few bungalows, and you get stuck with the same teachers for numerous classes, which isn’t fun if you don’t like them. I was rejected by SLO last week which I was expecting, so it wasn’t a shock. My modest 3.5 gpa doesn’t really stand out when you are up against people who have 4.0 and above. (I tip my hat to them.)
I hope to join law enforcement once I get my degree. If I do make it into Pomona, I’m glad to hear that they really do have a great sociology program, I know it’s a great school, so I expected that this would be the case.
That’s great @marissamichelle!
Did you hear back from them yet? 
@kippycap nope. Still “decision pending.” 
Denied last night for not having all the supplemental courses done Since Sociology is an impacted major and I am out of the service area. Got the sad news via e-mail. They redirected me to Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Humboldt, and Dominguez Hills.