Cal Poly Question

<p>I am a Junior in HS as of now, and I live in Ohio, I am planing on miving to California, with my Aunt, and she lives in Paso Robles. </p>

<p>I am very well interested in applying to Cal Poly SLO, but i have a few questions first.</p>

<li>I want to major in Biology, is this a very competitive, and hard major to get into?</li>
<li>what kind of GPA do i need to get accepted, and what kind of ACT score?</li>
<li>My freshman year, i got a 3.0 my Sophmore year i had a 3.6 and I am now in my junior and the first grading period has passed and i got my report card, and i got a 2.9 on it ( i was abcent alot due to a death in my family) I have not taken my act yeat, i take it on the 13, i was wonder if i need way better grades to get into this school for Biology Major.</li>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I know for a fact its easier to get in that the engineering program…thats for damn sure</p>

<p>Why don’t you pose this question in the Cal Poly forum?</p>