Cal Poly second wave of acceptances?

Hi everybody! Like everybody else who didn’t get accepted yesterday, I’m feeling super dissapointed. Does anybody know (based on patterns from past years) if there will be a second wave of acceptance?

@Anarchaic, unfortunately, nothing about this release was anything like past years. There are not many hints or clues to answer your question.

I wish you the best of luck. I know from going through the process with both my son and daughter that the waiting is horrible. If it ends with good news, it is forgotten. If it ends with disappointment, that stings like salt in a wound. I hope your story ends well!

computer engineering major with 4771 mca waiting for acceptance here too

I’m an MCA of 4853 for CS and still waiting for a result ://

Someone on the 2024 discussion page said this:

“Our school’s college coordinator told the students that SLO advised her this morning that another wave of acceptances will go out today at 5.”

Good luck!!! I’m waiting to hear back too.

My son is waiting for biomedical engineering. ACT 34, GPA 4.5
This waiting is terrible!

I have twins - one was accepted early this morning and the other is still waiting. The one waiting has a much higher MCA than a friend who was admitted to same major yesterday. This is torture!!

I also have twins, one has been accepted on the first wave, and other is still waiting. Torture! I wish they would just hold all and release them all at the same time.

Is it safe to say that there wont be any acceptances until april 1th? or was there more than one wave in general in the past?

Computer Engineering Major
Out of State
ACT 33
Weighted 4.2, UW 3.4
MCA - idk like 4300?

Varsity Cheerleading and Varsity Gymnastics
Worked during school year

waiting for computer engineering in-state - 4771 mca

I didn’t even know they were doing waves, haven’t heard a thing so far. being a hopeful applicant, I hope to hear something very soon the waiting is terrible ?