Cal Poly SLO appeal 2021

Hello anyone who is reading this :slight_smile:

I was just rejected from Cal Poly SLO and am thinking of appealing. Does anyone have any advice? I just want to do anything I can to increase my chances
I applied to industrial engineering, in-state with a 3.96 GPA. This last semester I did pretty well and got my GPA up to a 4.03. I’m not sure if that even matters but should I include that in my appeal?
I know the appeal is not supposed to be a personal statement, so I’m not sure what to include. Should I write about how much I want to go to Cal Poly and why? Or should I just explain some factors that negatively affected my academic performance?
Any help is appreciated! Thank you :slight_smile:

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Here is what the appeal website states: For an appeal to have merit, it must contain new, serious and compelling information that clearly shows you to be academically stronger than had been earlier evidenced. Neither grades received in the current academic year nor mistakes made on the application are a basis for an appeal or the reversal of a decision.

If you had extenuating circumstances such as Health issues, Family issues etc… which affected your academic performance then these can be addressed in your appeal.

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In the past when have Cal Poly appeals come out?

It depends on when it is submitted and if they find a spot for the student if it is approved. Usually within 3 weeks from submission.

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Appeal just got rejected from Slo. The letter said that CS had over 5700 applicants for only 205 spots :exploding_head:

I’m sorry to hear that :frowning: Did they send the letter by mail?


Thank you! Was there a way for you to track the progress of your appeal or did they just send the letter?

they sent it via snail mail or email?

They sent it as a physical mail and I had no way to track it

I guess that is what their website states. but you can’t see the result in the portal?

I just heard back. My appeal was not successful. I am a nutrition major. Good luck everyone else

we haven’t heard anything yet, but my DS got an email introducing him to CalState Humboldt (LOL). Can you see the status in your portal or is it only by mail?

Sorry to say but if you got that email your appeal was rejected lol. I got that email too a day after I heard back.

yup. weird letter too. they didn’t say no they just told us how competitive it is.