Cal Poly SLO Art + Design Portfolio Invitation

Very good. Congrats to you, too. I was hoping that the odds were better than 50/50 if they got the invite to submit a portfolio. I’m assuming not everyone did.

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DS still states “no determination has been made at this time”. - good luck to all who got in.

Hopefully he has other options. For graphic design, SJS, SDSU, and Long Beach and maybe SFSU) all have good programs, albeit w/o CP cache, which might not matter much in a field where your portfolio is more important than credentials.

Also Arizona State is a great option. I’m very bullish on ASU. My daughter applied and was accepted but I couldn’t get her to seriously consider it. She got merit aid which made it doable. ASU might still be taking applications.

Congratulations to those who have been accepted. Can you possibly let us know GPA? We are still waiting to hear after submitting portfolio.

I think my daughter’s GPA was about 4.05.

Thank you!!

My sons gpa was 3.8 unweighted and 3.97 capped weighted but lots of college courses in the subject area. This was one of his top choices and he was waitlisted at UCI and UCSC. He’s still holding out hope that he gets in but seeing that they did their round of admits I suspect it’s a waitlist or a rejection. He loves CalPoly and his older brother attends in engineering.

My OOS daughter has not heard back either, applied for Studio Art. I will give her stats but my understanding was that if you got the invitation to submit a portfolio, you are in via admissions office but the portfolio decides it. It wasn’t clear if they accepted digital art in portfolio, but she likes digital so submitted several pieces. Mistake? Who knows.

UW: 3.8, capped 4.07, fully weighted 4.6. She has been accepted to UCSB, UCD (Design), and UCLA.

Congrats and good luck to all who were accepted!

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We will post once we’ve heard anything. If you would do the same … much appreciated

Great choices! My daughter was denied at UCLA for film animation.

You are too kind, thank you. My D did not apply to film animation at UCLA. We employed a broad strategy to give her choices. Davis did not require a portfolio, so in case hers didn’t cut it at Cal Poly, she could still do Design at Davis. Art always a possibility within Letters & Science at UCSB. But for UCLA, I told her that since she didn’t go to an “art” high school or have professional help with her portfolio, there was little chance she could compete when they only accept a handful. So for that one, let’s compete with academics and her excellent/unusual extracurriculars. Strategy worked for our needs, as now she gets to choose her path from here. Just waiting now on Berkeley, USC, NYU.

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Has anyone else heard back from SLO yet, regarding the art & design admission? Still says that it’s pending for me.

My D just checked her portal about 10 minutes ago - no word.

my son checks empteen times a day ;-). still states no determination. sigh. stay strong, although I’m thinking it’s either waitlist or rejection - I hope I’m wrong.

Yeah…seems the writing is on the wall at this point. Unless she was bounced back from Art Dep’t to admissions office and getting considered for her alternate major? I think it was visual communications or something like that. I suppose there’s always that possibility.

Same here. Not looking good for us. I don’t understand why they drag this on.

I like the explanation that perhaps they’re looking to admit in second choice major. But who knows. I don’t think the wait will be too much longer

Rejected D: unfortunate but I was expecting it to be fair :confused: hoping you guys don’t get the same response from them though!

*expecting it, to be fair