Cal Poly Slo Class of 2022 Admissions Chances?

Hi! I applied for food science for the fall of 2018. I got a 4.0 my freshman year of high school then went through some life circumstances that affected my grades and lowered it to a 3.8 which I noted in my application. I did pretty bad on the SAT, but also skipped a grade in high school so I have no idea what they will think of me. Any ideas?

So what is your CP GPA 9-11th and SAT score. Cannot give you any idea of your chances with so little information. Food science has a pretty high acceptance rate so you might be OK.

1120 for the SAT! and my high school GPA is a 3.8… is that the same thing as the CP gpa? Thank you so much!

No usually your HS GPA is not the same as the Cal Poly GPA.

You can use the UC GPA Calculator linked below but include all grades from your a-g courses 9th-11th grades. You also get up to 8 extra honors points for any UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses taken from 10-11th grades.

Since SLO’s Food Science major has a high acceptance rate >70%, you have a chance but since SLO does not list their SAT scores by major only by college it is difficult to tell. You will be compared to other Food science applicants.

Freshman Profile for the College of Agriculture and Environmental Science:

Average CP GPA: 3.90 Average SAT: 1315

Thank you!

Chances for engineering with 4.25 GPA and 1510 sat?

I think your golden

what kind of engineering?

what kind of engineering?

Chances of my D getting in Biomedical Eng. with a 4654 MCA score. In state.

@manajlt Going through last year’s results, at least two applicants were accepted for Biomedical Engineering with an MCA of approximately 4650. Also, according to this link

Poly received 50 fewer applications for BME this year than last year, while opening a couple more spots over last year’s target. So that is encouraging. But it is unclear how the over-enrollment that occurred last year will impact the formula of acceptances/admits (i.e., will it be 3:1 acceptances for every admit?).
Hopefully your D gets in!

@AllGloveNoHit Great to hear there were less applicants this yr. how did you find that out. Thanks for the info!!

On page 5 of the link, it shows that Cal Poly received 1821 Biomedical Engineering applications in 2016 for First Time Freshmen (“FTF”), and in 2017 there were only 1771 applications received. Also, the target was increased from 76 to 80. With a 39% yield, each target translates to two and a half acceptances. So the pool of 1771 is vying for ~ 200 “Yeses”. Good Luck!

Those are projections for fall 2017, not the actual numbers. We won’t see this year’s projections and last year’s actuals until after most decisions are out.

And, AllGloveNoHit, where can you see the two MCA scores of “approximately 4650” for BIomedical Eng?

If you look through the 2017 post you can find them. One of them is at post #896. There is another one somewhere among the 128 pages. Post #853 also shows an admit for 4680.