Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@mogo88: i do not think you will make others feel bad but just aware that there are some merit scholarships available I am aware of the departmental scholarships that SLO does have listed, but rarely does anyone ever post that they were a recipient.

Congratulations to your son and based on his posted stats, he looks like a very hard working individual.


@Mojo88 congrats to your son. always happy to hear there are merit scholarships available and thrilled a deserving student received one!

@Mojo88, It was helpful that you posted this information. My DS checked his portal under awards and found that he has loans available. The strange thing is the loans are for more money than the total cost for tuition, room, meal plan, etc. @Gumbymom, is this typical?

@homestretch99: You are saying the loans total more than the cost of attendance? All loans is typical if you do not qualify for Federal and State aid.

Yes the loan total seems higher than the total cost

@homestretch99: You are not required to accept any or all loans. Did you run the net price calculator before applying? Also, other than tuition/room/board all the other costs listed in the cost of attendance is flexible and are general estimates on the higher end.

Ok great thank you @Gumbymom

any recent acceptances? or are they all over?

same here. no news yet from business

any rejections yet?

@anonymous0512 As far as I can tell, there have been no acceptances or waitlisted since the 14th. That being said, there havenā€™t been any rejections yet and I donā€™t think that there will be until this week so check back later. Hopefully people post them.

@anonymous0512 I also believe, depending on the number of people who accept their waitlist spaces and the number of people who accept enrollment , that there may be more acceptances or waitlists after this point, but we will have to wait and see.

Anyone know when the earliest Slo will let you know if you got accepted from the waitlist is?

Is it possible for more merit scholarships to be released, or are they all done?

OMG my D just got William Frost Scholarship of $20K per year! I donā€™t even know what to do nowā€¦

@gumbymom @WWWard

The William Frost Scholarship is a merit scholarship of $20K per year, so $80K total.

Here is what is says:

ā€œ$20,000 a year for four years ($80,000 total value) are offered to outstanding students applying for degree programs in Biological Sciences, Marine Science, Microbiology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics.ā€

Iā€™ts nearly a ā€œfree rideā€.

Super surprised and totally unexpected!

@collegemom111111: Congratulations to your daughter. Always nice to hear that hardworking students are being recognized and far more generous than the UC Regents and Chancellor/Dean scholarships. Best of luck to her.

Does anybody have any experience with other merit scholarships? Perhaps any other majors?

@collegemom111111 Congratulations!! So exciting.

@Mojo88 and @collegemom111111 so happy for your students - those are fantastic scholarships. Iā€™m kind of feeling like an idiot as we already had DS accept the Cal Poly offer (while waiting on UCLA/UCB) as there was no penalty and no non-refundable deposit and it has been his first choice for years. But Iā€™m wondering if either of your students had accepted their offers yet or if they are using the scholarships to entice high stats kids that havenā€™t accepted yet. or it could be engineering doesnā€™t have much for freshman or it could be another deserving student picked up one of the limited merit offers. all possibilities but for future years I think it would be helpful for others to know if your students had hit the ā€˜acceptā€™ button prior to receiving the scholarship offers.