Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

Is it normal to have not heard back from them yet even though most people’s decisions are out already?

@PencilPouch314: You have checked your student portal and you have no decision? If so, then I would call admissions and ask since it seems that all decisions have been posted.

I dont get it - my son was accepted: 3.4 gpa, 33 ACT, no EC’s, no volunteering, fair essays - accepted at SDSU, UCSD, Cal POly, UCSC, USF but rejected at UCSB. Is there any rhyme or reason? I am seeing much higher stats being denied. I feel so heartbroken for the kids that have this as their first choice. Seems truly unfair.

@montanatocali: UCSB puts a heavy emphasis on essays, EC’s and community service so based on your post, this is not surprising for your son. Is your son an OOS applicant? $$$ from OOS students is unfortunately a driving force for the CA public schools.

My D- Rejected. GPA: 4.3 (W), SAT: 1510. Did not enter middle school grades. Luckily, this was not her top choice anyways so no harm done. I feel bad for kids who had this as their top choice and did not enter middle school grade.

S19 would appreciate some insight into the official CP SLO College of Science and Mathematics Tour.

Is it led by current students? Is there any interaction with faculty? Are prospective students matched up with tour guides who have the same major? He cannot attend the Open House for accepted students, so we are planning a separate visit but it looks like the Housing Tour and the COSAM tour times overlap. S19’s main interest is in speaking with someone (student or faculty) to get more insight into the STATS major, but if the COSAM tour is merely/literally a walk through the building and not particularly interactive he might choose the Housing Tour.

*Related: Has anyone had success with reaching out to faculty to schedule a short appointment when on campus?

When we did the tour it was led by students but none were in COSAM. There was a talk in a hall, then a tour of the campus. Our guide was majoring in viticulture and also had insight into some of the benefits of being a dairy major (free fresh cheese!) The key element that made an impression was their “hands on learning” focus. Although the student was from a different department S3 came away with Cal Poly SLO as a first choice. He’s a stats major BTW starting in the fall - unless he has a change of heart. Feel free to PM.

@COMom2boys: can’t speak to the official science and math tour, but we found the faculty very willing to meet with us. Not sure if this is true of all academic depts, but in BME the advisor is a BME prof, and the pre-med advisor is also a BME prof. They both were very responsive in answering questions, and were willing to make time to meet with us while we were on campus. Hopefully you’ll find the same for Stats. Good luck!

to add to points by @patertrium, when we were there last week we went on a similar tour. The guides made a point of saying that they’re doing this as volunteers, they love their school and love talking about it. While experienced, they mentioned that they didn’t have a school-approved script, and would answer any questions along the wayas candidly as possible. They both did a great job representing their school and answering questions. --And they mentioned their “learning by doing,” motto several times during the tour, with numerous examples. :smile:

My son was waitlisted and got an email saying he should click on the link in the email only if he wishes to be removed from the waitlist. However, I heard some other people say you need to explicitly confirm that you want to stay in the waitlist.

Can someone please clarify whether the waitlist needs to be confirmed by the student (opt-in) vs opt-out if he/she does not want to continue in it?

Just wondering. My d did not get into Cal Poly, which is completely ok with even though it was her first choice because of the “learn by doing” motto. That was really the main reason she wanted to go there. She was accepted at many schools but is now deciding between UCSB (great school) and SDSU Honors (also great school) I have two questions; 1. Is Cal Poly the only college in California that has the motto “learn by doing”, or is that something she might find at SDSU or UCSB?

  1. She did not enter her middle school grades. She has a 4.12 gpa, 32 ACT and 1430 SAT and was majoring in biological sciences. Is there any reason for me to try to appeal the decision based on her not entering MS grades? I don't want to go through all the effort if she doesnt have a chance to get in based on her stats.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

@Drummer1030 The problem is that Biological Sciences has one of the toughest admit rates at Cal Poly. In the previous year 4604 students applied for the 154 available freshman spots. In contrast say General Engineering, there were 549 students vying for 60 spots.

And if someone really wanted a suicide mission they’d apply for Computer Science where 5297 students applied for 100 freshman spots.

@patertrium my S classmate was rejected for one of those CS spots. Perfect SAT too.

Yea it is probably futile, we will stick with her other great options :slight_smile:

@Drummer1030 Did you get to go to the SDSU and Honors open house last weekend? If not, my D and I went, and we would be happy to answer any questions for you. I also posted a review of the day on the SDSU board.

D and I are working on deciding between Poly (with honors invite) and SDSU Honors (admitted) right now, so I understand the decision that is in front of you.

Both UCSB and SDSU are great choices! Good luck!

@sdscoutmom I will message you. We were not able to go to open house because my daughter had a band competition. I would love to hear about it!

@Drummer1030: Cal Poly SLO and Pomona try to promote the “learn by doing” philosophy but this is not unique. My younger son went to SDSU and found many classes with a hands on emphasis. His roommate an ME major also said his Engineering labs were very hands on. My older son went to UC Davis and again many of his upper division courses were very hands on with outside field trips that helped reinforce concepts learned in the lecture. I think it really depends upon the major since some majors obviously benefit with the learning by doing philosophy.

@sdscoutmom which sdsu board did you post photos on?

@Gumbymom thanks for insight! you have been very helpful in this process

For those who sent confirmation of NMF/National Hispanic Scholar, have you received the merit scholarship notification that was mentioned by a previous poster?