Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@otters2019: The usual order is OOS acceptances, then in-state acceptances followed by waitlisted applicants and finally rejections. “Usual” does not mean anything really since the usual order seems to change year to year.

@Gumbymom …just curious where Transfers fit into this…? I noticed SDSU is rolling out Transfers today first…sounds like SLO follows a different protocol.

@Gumbymom Thanks for all your insights! I know you don’t know for sure, but would you guess that the decisions will start rolling out this week, and if so, any guesses as to when? Thanks!

@Calimck15 and @collegemom111111: In my experience for the last 6 years, Freshman applicants always heard before transfers for SLO and SDSU. The decision timelines for both schools are far from predictable this year in regards to Transfers and Freshman, so it is anyone’s guess at this point.

My oldest daughter was scheduling her last quarter of classes at SLO today and I noticed the “Application Status” at the bottom of the Student Center looks identical to what it looks like now for my youngest daughter! When she clicked on it, it still read “Congratulations, you are officially admitted to Cal Poly! Information regarding registration can be found at the new student registration information and instructions page.” Just thought I’d share as I had no idea the status stayed there after all these years! Fingers crossed that my youngest gets a similar message soon. Good luck everyone.

@Gumbymom Thanks again! Do you know how the CSUs and UCs take race/ethnicity into account? I’ve never understood how this works. I’ve heard so many different stories about this topic. Some say it isn’t a factor at all, others say URM get add’l consideration, some say the schools are pressured not to accept too many Asian applicants to balance things out. I am just curious what the real situation is and by no means trying to start a controversial conversation. Thank you!

@collegemom111111: California public universities cannot take Race/Ethnicity into consideration for admission purposes. That means students cannot be admitted purely based on race, nor can they “get extra points” for their racial background. However, admissions may be made aware of an applicants racial background through socioeconomic conditions including attending low performing schools which can be advantageous for admission consideration.

Does anyone have any data for how competitive aerospace engineering is?
I have a GPA of 4.4 and SAT of 1530. My MCA is between 4700-4800. What would my chances be?

@Gumbymom Do you know how the underperforming high schools are identified? Is this an admission consideration in addition to MCA?

@BarnacleB: I cannot take credit for the information I am posting below but a frequent poster @“aunt bea” posted this on a UC Davis thread asking a similar question.

One of the ways they are able to do this is via their local incentive programs. The university programs in California are familiar with their local geographical schools, especially those considered having “low socioeconomic” status so they share incentivized programs for admissions for those students.

If a high school student and his/her family agree to pursue a university incentivized program, the student then commits to following a strict program (tutoring/academic counseling/test preparation) and completing the A-G requirements. During application season, the university reviews those students and their completion of the program requirements at the high schools. If the student has completed requirements and met the goals, the admissions application is given equal consideration during application time.

Most of the publics do this in California, even at the impacted campuses. USC also has their version of the program with Los Angeles students.**

Here is one program offered by the CSU’s:

Only Hayden Partner schools will get additional points in the MCA calculation (based on the information available).

ACK when do decisions come out???

They started rolling out on Thursday, March 1 last year but March 1 this year is a Friday so maybe on the 28th which is two days from now. It is anyone’s guess when they will start rolling it out, but based on what I have experienced I have received it as a reasonable time because I am a California resident and my application is solid enough that so far they seemingly did not have to spend a ton of time on it. Out of state and transfers might hear first or receive their decisions later depending on how the school prioritizes applications.

Hey you guys, so do you think decisions will come out this week or next? Thurs or Fri? Does CP update portals or send out emails? Who else is starting to freak out? My son and his friends who also applied are thinking they won’t know until around the 15th. Please say that isn’t the case. ;(

@805Mommp Notifications are always made on the portal. Hoping for this Friday!

I think they update the portal, but if you really cannot check the portal as often they send you an email to let you know, and you can check the portal as well just to be sure.

@805Mommp I feel pretty hopeful that decisions are coming out this week. I’ve read that OOS decisions come first, so I would guess that those would start coming this Thursday. Last year in-state decisions came out on March 2nd (a Friday) at 2 pm and in years before that they came out in mid-February, so I feel like in-state has to be this Friday or any time now. I think I read that CP updates the portal and sends an email but that the email comes a few days after the portal updates, so I’m going to keep checking my portal throughout the week. I’m just a student who applied too, so all of that information is just what I’ve read on this thread and past years on College Confidential. Good luck to your son and his friends!

@805mommp I agree with your guess. I’m betting OOS starts Thursday 2/28 and IS Friday 3/1.

Does anyone know, have any or all of the decisions been released for the Wine and Viticulture program, whether OOS or IS, etc…? I thought an earlier post mentioned hearing about getting an acceptance back on Feb 20th. Anything you know is greatly appreciated!

@collegefever101 There has been no mention since then in any major that I know of!

UC’s are not supposed to consider race on paper but they most definitely do. I read an article last year written by one of the 75 readers (this is what they call first level screeners) at UCB. She was instructed to be race-blind when scoring the acceptance level (1 thru 5, lower the better) but a second level screener (senior screener) changed her numbers on some asian students. So she asked her why she did that and her answer was that there were too many of them. So, she found out that they had double standards based on race and she quit the job. So, if you are an asian, your stats have to be much higher to be accepted in UC’s. My son (an asian) got good stats but rejected from UCB last year so he ended up at UCSB. He told me one of his friends at UCSB told him his admission stats and he was so surprised he got accepted at UCSB with so much lower stats than he got. And he was not an asian. In a way, I can understand why they resort to doing this. Otherwise, it would be difficult to balance the race profile of student population. There would be too many asians and not enough other races.