Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

They could pull off an all-nighter if they wanted to do. But they have families at home so at some point they have to go home, and think it over. I think at 11:30 A.M tomorrow we will hear the first in-state. On the 2019 final status forum, the most recent acceptance was at 9:38 p.m. Not everyone is aware of this forum, but many are aware of the final decisions forum so they could easily post decisions in close to real time on there, and not take notice to this place which has already had some interesting and well-guided discussions. It has been an eventful day and tomorrow is going to be a busy one, and whatever happens, remember that if you are rejected it is the loss of Cal Poly SLO.

@Justakid129 In last yearā€™s thread OOS were getting announced both before and after the in-state acceptances. Still in it!

@GhidottiDad You are right on the money regarding @eyemgh He was there for me 5 years ago to answer my questions when D#1 was applying and then again 3 years ago w D#2. Glad to see he is here as I count down the hours for D#3. He is a plethora of information, helps us calculate and understand the point system and btw even keeps our stats year after year! I have no problem with the reminder to post in the final stats thread. So very valuable. Thank you @eyemgh

Actually, I applied as a philosophy major but I wouldnā€™t be opposed to creating an act and doing some shows for fun, nothing too big though. Philosophy with a minor or double major with theatre particularly focusing on ancient greek comedy sounds like a combination that would work.

I just went through the 2022 thread, and although I confess that I sped through it and might have missed something, it looks like only 1 in-state on CC (and a few questionables on Reddit) heard overnight, and the rest were throughout the next day. Science majors were not until mid/late after noon, on what would be tomorrow.

@c2019student yes I got accepted into public health! Iā€™m OOS and I has a 3.6 UW GPA with a 1450 SAT score. I think my MCA was around a 4500-600 range. Good luck :slight_smile:

@calculost thanks so much! congratulations! do you know around what time ur decision came out?

@c2019student about 6:30 PM

DD accessed her email to get the portal link email and out popped the congrats email from SLO. Quite a happy surprise.

Just heard, a friend of mine, who applied for the same major and attends my school already received their acceptance. Iā€™m in state, havenā€™t heard back, and am wondering if this means I wonā€™t be getting an acceptance?

does anyone know when art and design usually come out? iā€™ve been trying to find it on other threads but canā€™t seem to find anyone who got in last year?

I got accepted OOS yesterday! So thrilled! Congratulations to everyone and best of luck to those waiting to hear.

Anyone know when the first wave of in state acceptances are expected to come out?

Anybody gotten in for biomedical eng yet I still havenā€™t heard anything and Iā€™m OOSā€¦

My son was accepted into Business OOS last night about 9pm. 4.85 weighted and 1420 SAT

@FlyYellow, I do not. Sorry.

@beachlover8 and @lisagatortx, if you could post your information to the Final Status thread, it will help future applicants. Thanks!

@sebasHopes Perhaps your friend was deemed OOS if they have already been accepted? Weā€™ve no confirmed reports of any in state folks getting notice yet.

Am I the only parent completely annoyed by this whole process of waiting and refreshing and refreshing and waiting and checking and refreshing, etcā€¦ My son also applied to GA Tech who said EA decisions will be released at noon EST on January 12th. Guess what, at 12 pm EST on Jan. 12th he got his decision. With technology, how hard can it be to load all decisons and release them on a certain predetermined date and time. Who runs a business like thisā€¦??


I agree, this process is annoying. Unfortunately seems to be the California way of doing things. My daughter already has 5 OOS acceptances all EA with specified dates or at least they told us rolling admissions, just waiting on CA schools nowā€¦ā€¦.