Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

Thanks! No wonder no one at her school has mentioned anything yet…, good grief what a waiting game!!

UC’s are all over the map…everyone thinks Davis is next Friday…again it’s all just speculation so we shall see.

Only UC she wanted was Davis so that’s all we did.

@patertrium So hard to guess as last year the roll out was in full swing by this point for In-State. In 2017 my daughter was notified around 5:00pm on Friday, Feb 17th, one day after OOS.
The earliest in state acceptance heard in this forum last year was at 1:25 p.m, but someone was accepted at 1:00 p.m but reported it a bit over an hour later. So I would say about an hour from now they will start rolling out in-state decisions.

The first time we heard about an out of state acceptance on this forum was at 11:30 A.M so it should be quite soon.

On the final decision forum two out of state people got accepted between 8 - 9 am so there are still some stray out of state decisions, but it seems to suggest that they will release some more out of state decisions but it will be mostly in state for today.

@skcyking72 I think the first in-state acceptance last year actually happened late the night of first OOS releases:
02-28-2018 at 11:18 pm

@rockmom21 Since applying to any UCs required writing 4 more essays, unfortunately applying was a NO for us as well.

@collegemom111111 Yes, you are correct!

I would explain that by the logic that there is an out of state pile and an in-state pile, and one of the applications from in-state got mixed in with the out of state applications but they were intrigued by it so they decided to release the decision while it was there.

That would be wrong if there were a fair mix of in state and out of state applications on the first day, but that was the only in-state application so I think my theory is plausible.

@rockmom21 I graduated from SLO with a MS in Mechanical Engineering and got hired by Intel in the 1990’s. They primarily looked for grads from MIT, CalTech, Berkeley, UCLA, SLO, Michigan, …etc. However, they did hire graduates from SJSU. Internally, the thinking was that SJSU wasn’t as high in caliber as the other engineering schools, but they needed to hire engineers that would put up with the high cost of living in the Silicon Valley. If someone went to SJSU, they figured they were from the area or willing to put up with the high prices, and not move back to Minnesota after a year or 2.

Thus, I think that your D would have a higher chance of getting hired by Apple or Intel if she chose SJSU over SDSU, CPP, CSULB, or Chico. Again, SJSU may not be the best school from that bunch, but has the advantage of location.

@rockmom21 Here’s an article that mentions SJSU:

“CollegeVine’s CEO Jon Carson says,“We’ve …seen that families tend to undervalue the importance of the metropolitan area that a college is located in.” … CollegeVine says the most underrated school in America is San Jose State University, near the epicenter of Silicon Valley. It has a pleasant campus, cheap, relatively easy to get into, with a decent reputation (I was there a couple of months ago and was fairly impressed). Its students are near many Silicon Valley powerhouse companies like Apple and Facebook, where they can do internships while in school.”

@rockmom21: If your daughter is leaning towards a more residential experience, Chico would at the top but I cannot comment on the ME program nor the availability of internships in the area.

SDSU has a very good ME program, plenty of tech companies in the area for internships/jobs and they now require 2 years of on campus housing for all non-local students. Although there are commuters at SDSU, the majority of the students live close to campus and there is always events going on around campus. The Viejas stadium hosts many concerts and currently have Sarah Brightman, The Who and The Chain smokers as some acts listed for this year.

SJSU has the “location” advantage but not very residential and I agree the CPP is also not very residential either but has an excellent ME program and many local companies recruit regularly at CPP.

You can check the ABET accreditation for each school of interest. ABET accreditation provides assurance that a college or university program meets the quality standards of the profession for which that program prepares graduates so if all are ABET accredited, their programs will be similar.

@Gregmacd thanks for that link, and your thoughts!
She doesn’t know where she would like to work, other than Disney… so maybe a visit will be in order.
I’m not sure how the Bay Area will sit with her: when we visited Cal, she didn’t like it.
I’m not at all familiar with SJSU other than knowing that 1) decent engineering school
2) marching band (she wants to continue in this)
3) near Silicon Valley
4) in state tuition!!
So far Texas A&M and SLO has given her the most feels. I know/ so different.
She will visit U of Pittsburg later in the month.

thank you @Gumbymom!
I think we will definitely check out SDSU- it was the first Cal State she was accepted to (early january) they are sending her a lot of info… we should go to an Engineering day there…

They have 5,400 avaliable spaces and there are 27 days between Thursday, February 28 and Monday, April 1 including those days so if they do release decisions every day expect a minimum of 200 decisions per day.

Any in-state acceptances?

My D has not checked today. If she has not heard today (OOS) should it be assumed that she was rejected?

@JBSeattle Not necessarily. Most of the applications are released in waves and while in-state acceptances may come out later, you may hear today because they will release some out of state decisions as well, albeit less than yesterday. You shouldn’t worry about rejection unless it gets close to the admissions notification deadline of April 1 and no decision has come in.