Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

my friends classmate got in for physics he is an in state student

Hold on. Their office is open until 5 pm so maybe if I ask I might get a better answer.

Everything is so random!!! I wish I could know now and I wish everyone the best of luck!

@skcyking72 Let us know what you find out from their office! I’m holding out hope that they’ll still release in state decisions around 5 pm.

Hey everyone I need your advice!! My MCA score is 4012. Is this competitive for Liberal Studies (my first choice) and Sociology (my second choice)?

@skcyking72 Any response from the office?

@golfgirl123 Do you know any specifics about your friend’s classmate? Like is there anything unusual about this person’s background? Any details about how or when s/he found out? Do you feel it’s credible? Thanks!

A kid on r/ApplyingToCollege made an MCA calculator:

Ocmon1000 Thay is really neat!
Geez this waiting is really hard.

@collegemom111111 this is credible lol!!! there is nothing unusual about this kid. they probably have let some in state kids know. he posted his acceptance email on instagram.
On it it read that 65,000 students applied and 5,400 spots are available. Gives me hope because they have to accept more than 5,400 because not everyone can go

They weren’t helpful at all. I am hoping that more decisions will come out today. Schools will sometimes release decisions on weekends, meaning that they are there but not accepting phone calls or visitors as it is a weekend, but they still want to continue the process. For example, Boston University has released decisions on a weekend in recent years. They are releasing it for this year on March 23 which is Sunday.

When did this student get n, this afternoon?

@golfgirl123 Thank you! Sorry if I came off weird, but it just seems like a lot of these “friend of a friend” or “neighbor’s kid” acceptances don’t pan out to be real. Great to hear this good news that in-state has started, and he even received an email quickly, too.

I’m waiting for someone to actual post that they or their own kid got in as an in state applicant. I really think we are still waiting.

I think my computer is going to break because I keep checking the SLO site! :wink:

CSU GPA = 4.2
Sat Critical Reading = 650
SAT Math = 530
Total Score = 1180

Semesters of Math = 8

Semesters of Lab Science = 8

Semesters of English = 8

Semesters of Foreign Language = 8

Semesters of Visual/Performing Arts = 4

Hours of Paid Work = 0

Hours of Extracurricular Activities Per Week = 13.5
*Held a leadership role in an extracurricular = Yes

As for those other bonuses, they do not apply to me.

The total score is 4216 and the max is 5000 I am pretty sure. Is this a good MCA score or would it be considered a weak score?

@skcyking72: Which major?

@skcyking72 Since you said - I think you were a philosophy major - the admissions Gods look kindly on the road less traveled. 38 spots for 161 applicants. An average yield of 30% means they’d probably make offers to around 110 applicants. Ceteris paribus, better than even shot.

Is 4780 competitive for electrical engineering?

Someone just posted on Reddit that they got in for mechanical engineering and they’re in state!

Edit - People are responding that it’s still pending for them. I haven’t checked my portal yet.