Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@jckdlmtt: Your stats look competitive but your MCA looks low so you may have calculated incorrectly. Figure on at least a minimum MCA of 4700+ to be competitive. With around a 6% acceptance rate, CS is always a tough admit.

Do 1st semester senior grades need to be input into application? Is it even possible?

does anyone have the link to admission results for class of 2022 in college confidential?

@BZ3boys: 1st semester Senior grades are not usually available by the Nov 30th application deadline. Senior grades are not used in admission decisions, only 9-11th grades.

@Gumbymom I donā€™t know a lot about the Cal State system so this is the first Iā€™m hearing of an MCA score so I was wondering if youā€™d by any chance know what the minimum MCA score would be for Comparative Ethnic Studies? Iā€™m missing 1 yr of world language due to a disability and while Iā€™ve notified the admissions office, Iā€™m a little worried about how it will impact my MCA score. For reference I have 4.47 CP GPA and a 1580 SAT.


SLO is the only Cal state that uses the MCA points for admission. The rest of the CSUā€™s use the Eligibility index instead.

SLO uses 9-11th grades for the a-g courses with a cap of 8 extra honors points so the maximum CP GPA you could have is 4.4 but for the MCA points they cap at a 4.2 GPA.

There is no MCA point data for Comparative Ethic Studies but based on the Freshman profile for the College of Liberal Arts, you are a very competitive applicant.

You state that you are missing 1 year of world language (foreign language) so does that mean you only have 1 year?

The Cal State requirement is a minimum of 2 years so if you are missing 1 year out of the 2, your application could be automatically rejected. Did you get an answer from admissions regarding this issue? SLO recommends 4 but that is not a hard and fast requirement.


so helpful! thank u!!! @eyemgh

@Gumbymom Thanks for the clarification, thatā€™s good to know! I do only have one year of world language, and Iā€™ve been told by Cal Poly admissions that I would be considered a ā€œless competitiveā€ applicant as a result but that because that missing year is due to disability, I should repeal my decision if I were to be rejected. So Iā€™m basically expecting initial rejection at least, and then wondering how I look against other applicants in the case of an appeal.

I also am unclear on if there is a way to waive the world language requirement during application evaluations rather than after getting rejected, because Iā€™ve been told by SDSU that thatā€™s how they handle it. Obviously theyā€™re different schools and Cal Poly is a little more competitive, but Iā€™m hoping they might at least share that policy.

Thanks again for your help.

Ways to meet the FL requirement:
SAT Subject Examination

The following scores satisfy the entire requirement:

Chinese With Listening: 520
French/French With Listening: 540
German/German With Listening: 510
Modern Hebrew: 470
Italian: 520
Japanese With Listening: 510
Korean With Listening: 500
Latin: 530
Spanish/Spanish With Listening: 520
AP or IB Examination

Score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP Exam in Chinese Language and Culture, French Language and Culture, German Language and Culture, Italian Language and Culture, Japanese Language and Culture, Spanish Language, Spanish Language and Culture, Spanish Literature and Culture or Latin;
score of 5, 6 or 7 on an IB Language A2 HL exam

College courses

Grade of C or better in any transferable course(s) (excluding conversation) held by the college to be equivalent to two years of high school language. Many colleges list the prerequisites for their second course in language as ā€œLanguage 1 at this college or two years of high school language.ā€ In this case, Language 1 clears both years of the requirement.

Cal Poly gives all of its decisions through their portal. A few days later theyā€™ll also send a ā€œwelcomeā€ email, but nothing comes by snail mail. Good luck!

@gzza73, No. Cal Poly makes its decisions based on self-submitted scores and then verifies transcripts upon acceptance.

Has everyone received their portal link already? An application acknowledgement was received. It also said that portal info would be sent in a few weeks. Still have not received it.

@pangolinz My D applied around 11/29 and received the portal link on 12/8.

Just got into Cal Poly! Wasnā€™t expecting it especially since Iā€™m an international student and I applied for CS! They didnā€™t even send an e-mail for some reason I just decided to check out the portal and there it was.
SAT: 1410

What did it say and where did it say it??

@cojagi45 APPLICATION STATUS: Congratulations, you have been selected for admission to Cal Poly pending your meeting the following Terms and Conditions. Click on the link for further information. Terms and Conditions

@lilpinkunicorn: Congratulations on your acceptance. I do know of 2 other International applicants that have already been accepted also. Best of luck.

To your knowledge, is it only Intl applicants that have heard back?

@JBSeattle: Yes, to my knowledge so far only International applicants have heard back based on some CC postings. This is the first year that I have heard that SLO was accepting any applicants this early (except for when they offered ED a few years back). I was and I am quite surprised but the postings seem legitimate. I think they are trying to attract more International students (again full pay students) early on and lock them in. Similar to SDSU where they admit high stat and OOS students early in the application cycle.