Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

LMAO still no BME?

Can someone inform how one is able to check their portal for status please? My Sā€™s portal is not showing where you would find the decision results or application status


Yes, got in as business late last night.
I also saw another poster said he got in.

enter: admissions DOT calpoly DOT edu - then paste after edu: /applicants/mycalpoly/access.html

Someone also mentioned that UCB and UCLA are only UCā€™s that use holistic approach. If this is true, I have never heard of it. In fact, I am doubtful that UCB and UCLA are more holistic that others because applications at these schools exceed 120,000 which is a lot more than the rest of UCā€™s. So, using holistic approach would be extremely time consuming and resources intensive. All of them use holistic approach but only in limited way due to resources required. I think this is why, from last year, among other things, they changed to prompts-based essays with tight word limits instead of traditional free-style, long essays in an effort to stream-line the admissions process.

@Mojo88 go to the Student Center. Scroll to the very bottom left hand side and you will see Application Status. Click that and a new screen will appear with the results.

my friend just got in for biomedical engineering! could indicate theyā€™re going alphabetical in college of engineering

Ok, he was able to find it. Accepted
In state
GPA 4.25
34 ACT
Sat II 800
Chem 740
donā€™t know how to calculate the other stat announced by others but will try and figure that out

Thank you!

While I was away from CC this whole week, many people responded on the topic of bias regards to asians. Someone asked why there were so many asians at UCSB meeting recently. But the fact is this does not reflect the real asian population at UCSB. If I remember correctly, asian student population was something in the ball park of 30% which is about same as whites at UCSB and the rest of the student population is made up of other races including 25% hispanics. When I went to UCSB campus a few times last year for my son, I did not notice that there were more asians than other races. I saw more of balanced race mix. Someone also mentioned about UCI where asian student population is in the ball park of 55%. UCI is an exception as dominant population in Irvine is asians and most asian students commute to UCI from their home. Because of this, UCI staff most of whom live in or nearby Irvine is also made up of a lot of asians. So the bar for asian students may not be as high at UCI than the rest of the UCā€™s where asian student population is more or less balanced among all races.

MCA ~4700
GPA 4.13w
ACT 34
Accepted. Woohoo! Go Stangs!
In State
Already Posted to Final Status Thread

There is a thread to post final stats titled ā€œ2019 Final Statusā€¦ā€ that I find hard to locate. It would be easier to find this if it said Cal Poly Class of 2023 final stats" or something like that. Or at least Cal poly in the name so it easily comes up in a site search. Some schools seem to have by graduating year vs start year so not sure which is ā€œcorrectā€. Maybe for Poly itā€™s not graduating year since it can be difficult to get out of there in 4 years? Anyway if this can be retitled I think that would help people find it so itā€™s consistent with this thread which uses 2023.

Im architecture and in stateā€¦ however, i still have not gotten my decision. im trying to stay calm but i just dont know howā€¦ how is it even possible that some people got decisions and some just still have nothing

GPA 4.15W
ACT 32
In state

Public Health
GPA: 3.97W
SAT: 1350
Accepted In State
(Donā€™t know why Iā€™m in honestly haha)

@Bridge19 Suggestion that you separate out Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering. They are two separate majors with separate admittance targets. I havenā€™t seen anyone post about manufacturing yet.

Iā€™m also in-state architecture and Iā€™ve yet to receive my decision D:

Regarding UWGPA, it was my surprise too but I am just telling you what I learned from experienced admissions officers last year. I am just passing it on whether you believe it or not.

Were they instate?

Havenā€™t seen any Psych majors post yet. My D still hasnā€™t heard and she has a MCA of 4760, 3.85UW/4.25W, 33 ACT.