Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@wishforcalpoly, my son was accepted yesterday afternoon for biochemistry.

@reyr2lo and @AVervaet, if you would calculate your MCAs and post to the 2019 Final Status thread, youā€™d be greatly helping future applicants. Thanks!

anyone accepted in the college of agriculture yet?

@california20001 I really hope that is the caseā€¦ What is baffling me is that some of the admitted students have lower stats than I do, so if it really is the case that I did not get in, I would be quite confused, to say the least. Does anybody know when SLO starts notifying students that were rejected?

@2timemom, at this time of the year, itā€™s never hard to find. It hovers at the top. I named it that to be consistent with previous years. In order to make it easier to find for future applicants, Iā€™ll as the moderator to pin it to the top like the MCA post.

Last year I believe rejections started to come out around the 15th along with wait lists.

@collegelovin626, if thereā€™s any lesson to learn from years past is that you canā€™t compare by stats (GPA and test scores) alone. The only relevant metric for comparison is MCA between applicants to the same major. Did you remember to include your applicable middle school classes on your app?

@eyemgh Yes I did! I believe those classes were Algebra 1 and Geometry. My MCA is 4650, so to say I am thrown off is a little bit of an understatement.

@collegelovin626, What major? In state or OOS? Language could be from MS too, BTW.

i really have no hope anymore. this sucks.

@nodramallama13 same

@nodramallama13, that sounds like dramaā€¦llama. :smiley:

Seriously, give it time and know that your school does not define you, what you do while there does. Poly is not perfect. No school is. If you donā€™t get into Poly, make the best of the opportunities at the school you attend!

@eyemgh Major: Biology and I do not think Language counted at my school. Maybe I just have to wait a little longerā€¦I donā€™t know. What do you think?

@eyemgh I am also instate. Other kids have heard in my class for other majors like Architecture and Psychology. I am just a little worried because I did not think Bio was that impacted at SLO

Biomedical Engineering
MCA: 4,830
GPA: 4.0 UW
SAT: 1590
In State
Son Accepted (Portal 3/2 approx 3:30 pm)
Already posted on Final Status thread

@collegelovin626, every major is impacted at Cal Poly, as defined by having more applicants that spaces. Biology is one of the worst though. This year, they expected 4604 applicants for 152 slots. Assuming the typical CP yield of 33%, theyā€™d have to offer slots to 456 students. That would put the acceptance rate below 10%.

@eyemgh That is crazy. I had no idea. Now I am a bit discouragedā€¦
I am only confused because I just recalculated and my exact MCA is 4780.3 Maybe I just have to wait it out a bit more. Thanks for your help.

Iā€™ve been on Cal Poly threads for over 5 years. I know this is difficult seeing some admits with lower stats get in while you are in a holding pattern. It stinks, but know that acceptances will continue to roll in over the next week. Two years ago, my daughters best friend got her acceptance 3 weeks after everyone else no rhyme or reason.

Has anyone from industrial engineering heard yet? Iā€™m still waitingā€¦

If I understand the MCA story correctly, the college stopped sharing the calculation several years ago. So weā€™re all working off of old informationā€“itā€™s probable theyā€™ve made tweaks to the formula since then. Probably not enough to make a huge difference, but our estimates could easily be, say, 50 points off. And thatā€™s enough to cause some frustrating results when trying to make exact comparisons.