Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@collegelovin626 you have excellent stats! Have others hear back from bio? what was their MCA score?

Try not to worry, you will get in either to Cal Poly or some of the UCs for sure

Daughter got Accepted in Business Administration today
GPA 4.0 UW
ACT 33
In State

@TheFrenchChef I sure do hope so. If not youā€™re right, I think I can expect something from the UCā€™s for sure. I guess Iā€™ll just hang in there for now. I do believe some other people got into Bio for In state, not from my school though. I am not sure what their MCAs areā€¦

@rider7021, would you be willing to calculate her MCA score (linked below) and post it to the final status thread (also linked below). It will be very helpful to future applicants. Thanks!

@collegelovin626 - Stay positive. It seems there is no rhyme or reason on how in state acceptances are being released but no news at this point doesnā€™t mean anything. But is frustrating! Perhaps they are going alphabetical order or something like that. My DS is still waiting with MCA of about 4650. Different major but I see acceptances to very impacted programs with similar and lower MCA so not worried yetā€¦

Well maybe a little worried, but still hopeful.

@2timemom, you canā€™t compare between majors. Even if you know expected acceptance rates, itā€™s still apples and oranges. Check out the thread below. I think it explains what is most likely happening. Spoiler alertā€¦itā€™s the way it went last year. Hold fast!

I applied for their music program, and had my audition there three weeks ago or so but havenā€™t seen anything posted on my portal or if other music majors have been accepted yet. Anyone have any info on this?

Biomedical Engineering
GPA 4.45W
SAT 1520
In state

Has any Econ in state herd back yet?

If you have higher stats than people who got accepted but did not get accepted, do not be surprised or discouraged. This is what happened to my son as well last year. There are cases where if your stats are too high and you are likely to not enroll after getting accepted, they rather give the acceptance to people who are likely to enroll. So, a lot of over qualified people do not get accepted and this happens a lot in fact. Colleges do not want to come up short in enrollments after accepting too many over qualified people who are likely to enroll at other higher ranking colleges. This is another reason why you have to apply to many colleges.

Has anyone heard from the ag school? I havenā€™t seen anyone accepted yet. Do they usually release later? Iā€™m in state.
4.13 capped GPA
1330 SAT
Major applied- wine and viticulture

Biomedical Engineering
1520 SAT accepted, IS

so no one received an email? just on the portal?

this is actual torture. i need to know if iā€™m rejected or not.

@nodramallama13 literally sameā€¦ im exhausted of refreshing the portal and not knowing if im accepted. they wont even send your rejection till weeks later so you could literally be hopeful for no reasonā€¦

psych major & giving up hope lol! good luck to everyone else tho but Iā€™m just tryna get some in n out and pretend Iā€™m still a freshman :,)

@parentworry said: ā€œThere are cases where if your stats are too high and you are likely to not enroll after getting accepted, they rather give the acceptance to people who are likely to enroll. So, a lot of over qualified people do not get accepted and this happens a lot in fact.ā€

This has been uncategorically disproven. High stats students that have been passed over either forgot middle school grades, some other requirement, or simply didnā€™t have a high enough MCA. If Cal Poly managed yield that way, do you think it would be 33%. If Cal Poly managed yield that way, would the 50th percentile for the CENG be 4.13 with a 33 ACT?

@memelover123, would you be willing to calculate her MCA score (linked below) and post it to the final status thread (also linked below). It will be very helpful to future applicants. Thanks!

@parentworry & eyemgh. I have seen this trend in some of the private schools, itā€™s sort of a numbers game they play in the EA process where they defer some of the higher stat students they expect to accept elsewhere and accept them in RD once they know they really want to go there but I donā€™t think that applies to Cal Poly.

do you think admissions are over?