Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@nodramallama13 It honestly feels like it, but somebody who got in last year told me to be on the lookout until Friday of this week. I am not too sure how accurate that is, but don’t lose hope!

Eyemgh: If CP accepts all high stat students who apply to CP as safety school, what happens if most of them enroll at higher ranking colleges? On what basis do you say this has been disproven? Did you know that most people who apply at CP also apply at higher ranking UC’s and private schools including ivys and lot of them end up enrolling at higher ranking schools? Last year, I saw too many students with high stats that were rejected at safety schools but accepted at higher ranking schools including my son and was wondering why and well-informed people made comments regarding this phenomenon and that is when I found out how these things work. If you have better explanation, I would like to believe you but I have not heard it yet.

did computer science ever come out for in state

did they ever release the agriculture decisions?

@MattManq20 still waiting on ag. Haven’t seen any posts from that college at all.

@ccrider5 I know me neither it has me stressed out I have a 4437 mca for Bioresource and ag engineering but I havent seen any MCAS for that major so I’m super nervous

I think I’ve seen aerospace and biomedical engineering. Have there been any other in state engineering acceptances? My son applied general. It is so less stressful when schools just give you a decision date and that’s it! Then, you have a day or so of stress instead of this long, dragged out process. It’s frustrating. Kids who haven’t heard are just stuck in an uncomfortable limbo…

anyone waiting on child development or am i just rejected?

Haven’t seen anyone on reddit or CC post about psych or child development…only that one person who said people in their class had gotten accepted for it. Fingers are still crossed but I’m feeling pretty discouraged rn.

@thewaitinghurts same. i haven’t seen any posts but i’m guessing they already went out. pretty bummed out. this was my top choice.

@Wallaby12 I’d also like to know this too lol.
Edit: I don’t think so as I am sure we would have heard some acceptances. Mechanical is one of the biggest Engineering majors so there should be lots of comments once they release decisions for it.

did anyone receive a congrats email or just the portal. cant access my portal rn

Does anyone know how long after the portal changes until an email is received? Thank you in advance for any help!

@nicholpickle looking for the same thing

@parentworry you can not assume just because some schools do this…ALL schools do this. The UCs and the Cal States do not do what you are speaking of. The only school I have heard does this is Michigan. Cal Poly absolutely does not.

@MattManq20 I think it’s a wait until Monday thing. My daughter applied environmental science with a 4700. No idea if that’s going to do it or not. Good luck!!

has anyone in-state heard back for psychology? haven’t seen any in-state psych responses on reddit or on here :confused:

still waiting for CS, in-state

Haven’t heard back for Child Development still, but realized should have done Liberal Studies anyway so hmmm…

CE should be coming out soon, then EE (that’s me lol)