Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@saraowens, congrats! I think you might have miscalculated your MCA. Given your CSU GPA and SAT, and assuming a typical high level of ECs and rigor, your MCA looks about right, WITHOUT the SLO County boost. That adds 500 points! Would you mind recalculating and then posting to the Final Status thread. Thanks!!!

@Last1Done i want to be an occupational therapist!

Accepted this morning!
In state
Business Administration
4.14 CSU GPA
33 ACT

Civil Engineering
MCA: 4315
In-State (Not Local)
Cal Poly GPA: 3.85 CSU GPA: around 4.1
SAT: 1370
Max Rigor
ECs with Leadership
Found out on 3/3 at 3:00 A.M.
the 3rd hour of the 3rd day of the 3rd month o_O
Acceptances: Cal Poly Pomona, CSULB, SDSU, SJSU, LSU, UCR
Rejections: Colorado School of Mines

I thought my horrible freshman grades and my okay SAT score would’ve condemned me to a rejection.

Already posted on the Final Decisions thread.

@aggiemomtobe let us know when you get in

S accepted to Mechanical Engineering
in state
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.2 W (max at SLO with the 8 sem honors bonus)
1530 SAT (800 math)
Work: 1-5 hrs + major related
EC: 21+ hrs + leadership role
Semesters of Classes: 10 math, 8 sci, 8 for lang, 8 eng, 2 fine art
honors math + AP BC Calc, honors sci + AP Physics Mech, AP Comp Sci, honors eng, honors Span 4
Note: not very many AP classes except within area of interest (relative to what was offered at his HS) but additional rigor with lots of honors classes, earned straight A’s

@TCNCmom have you seen ag acceptances being posted? still no word…….gosh this can make you crazy!

D accepted to business admin!
4.13 SLO weighted GPA
3.9 unweighted
33 ACT super
6 AP’s
founded her own Media company
Super EC’s - thrilled!!

Still no word for me even though polisci came out two nights ago. This sucks

@TCNCmom OMG just refreshed. admitted for animal science. will post on final thread in a minute. Tried to compute MCA - I think it was 4708 - capped weighted GPA, varsity athlete, orchestra, leadership, hit all additional CP classes except the 5th year of English, worked in area of interest. what a relief after all this refreshing

School of AG is coming in folks!

@aggiemomtobe really??! Where did you hear and what majors?

@aggiemomtobe totally agree with you ! Wait and wait!

@somedeepthoughts after refreshing all day my daughters portal just changed to accepted - ANIMAL SCIENCE

Anyone for General yet?

@aggiemomtobe congrats!!! I let my daughter check her portal!

i’ve lost hope:(

@TCNCmom best of luck! Wow this has been a long weekend

I applied for animal science as well but still in review :/… Congrats to your daughter @aggiemomtobe !!


If you would all do a little extra leg work and calculate your MCAs and post to the Final Status thread, it would be VERY helpful to future applicants. Thanks!

@CharlieEcho35, what county do you live in?