Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

So if I didn’t hear back for CS in-state by now, should I assume that I was wait-listed or rejected?

We are waiting to hear for General Engineering as well

Congrats @aggiemomtobe! I’m waiting on BRAE, I hope to hear soon!!

@Noliwat: would you share stats? My DS is 4.1, CSU gpa, 34, 4830 MCA

Son accepted for AG Business. In state. 4.0, 1240 SAT.

@aggiemomtobe My daughter just got in! Thank you for your wishes!! We are so exciting and crying! I will posy stats later . Animal science!

@Noliwat and @homestretch99, there have not been any General Engineering acceptances posted yet from in state on the final status thread.

@homestretch99 DS has very similar stats as yours; 4.2+ GPA, 34 ACT, MCA calculated at 4890 but not abs certain

@Noliwat and @homestretch99, Hold Fast! I think you’ll both be fine. Very impressive MCAs.

So if I didn’t hear back for CS in-state by now, should I assume that I was wait-listed or rejected?

if i haven’t heard from child development should i assume i’m waitlisted or rejected?

@eyemgh I live in Los Angeles County

@eyemgh: Thank you. This is difficult and surprising that General is being announced after Mechanical.

Hello everybody, I live in state and applied for Marine Sciences, and I still haven’t gotten a response. Did anybody else apply with this major, and if so, have you received your decision? At this point I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be rejected…

@aggiemomtobe @TCNCmom where are your DDs from?

@somedeepthoughts we are from Irvine CA


@eyemgh Do you feel that this is just first wave of acceptances by higher MCA? I have seen a few lower stats but most are on higher side? Or perhaps CP overall had high stat apps this year? Can you make any of us feel better that haven’t heard back and are in arena of MCA 4750, SAT 1400 wgpa 4.5. I am hoping more Bio decisions come out this week. What are the chances?


My D just got accepted for Nutrition!
4.0 GPA
1360 SAT