Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@CaSJVGirl4CP yes, I am from Modesto area of the central valley, me and my friend were accepted to ag a short time ago

DD accepted! RPTA, in state, MCA 4160. Will post to results.

@somedeepthoughts The engineering for Central Valley seems to be taking forever
 wish the process would go faster lol

It seems that BA and Econ have come out
what do you guys think about Industrial Tech & P?

@AjayEngineer yes my S did

has anyone heard a decision for in-state and business major?

@sinder123, quite a few. You can search the final status thread for “business” with the magnifying glass.

@sinder123: Many Business majors have heard. Use the magnifying glass in the upper right of this thread, type in Business and all threads with your key word will be listed.

@eyemgh Thanks for clarifying the added points for SLO County residents.

For music majors the applications are all reviewed and chosen by the heads of the department, since it’s not all computerized and decided by formula like the other majors could this maybe be why i haven’t received anything yet?

i didnt know i could do that! tysm

@Gumbymom @eyemgh

Accepted for Envrmntal Earth and Soil Sciences

Didn’t think it wasn’t possible to get in with such low stats!

GPA: 3.44 UW/ 3.7 W
SAT: 1260
In state

When do the waves of waitlist start based on past history?

Accepted just now!
GPA 4.11 CSU
1230 SAT
Recreation Parks and Tourism admin major

I haven’t heard anything and my chosen major is also Environmental Protection and Management @petrichorgal

@heeeeey you are giving me hope! our stats are relatively similar

Just got accepted!
In state
around 3800 MCA
Recreation parks and tourism administration

@gzza73 Has you son heard back yet? If so what were his stats?

@slongo100 and @bella0702

If you would all do a little extra leg work and calculate your MCAs and post to the Final Status thread, it would be VERY helpful to future applicants. Thanks!

@zoea4057: You cannot compare stats between majors since EESS has a much higher projected acceptance rate than EPM. Compare your MCA to admitted EPM students.