Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@petrichorgal DO NOT LOSE HOPE!!! This is literally just the start of admission season

iā€™ve lost hope too. all of my friends and people at my school have been getting in and iā€™ve still got nothing. i wanted it so bad!

I got in for animal science :))

Yeah I havenā€™t heard anything yet. I think itā€™s random.

god i just want to get my rejection so i can stop hoping.

if i havenā€™t heard back for biomedical engineering, am i waitlisted or denied? iā€™m an out of state fairly competitive student and havenā€™t heard anythingā€¦

@jetmontage actually its his friend who is waiting. i just thought i would check for him! Thank you.

@petrichorgal i havenā€™t heard of anyone who got into EPM yet- letā€™s keep hope!

does anyone know anyone that got in for child development?

Accepted for Mechanical
Max CSU gpa
35 act
MCA ~4800

How do I accept to SLO?

@carsonroff, are you in state?

@eyemgh yes

So, as one last closing thought before I sign off and move on, does anyone think that decisions will still be rolling all week for all the majors, or just waiting for waitlist then denied notifications now? Please let me know so I can stop obsessing and focus on the other great schools I am waiting on. Thanks much.

Accepted for biological sciences (heard yesterday)
in state
SAT: 1460
GPA: 4.26
MCA: 4595

I honestly feel they will be rolling all week. From a good source, I was told it would start Saturday and continue for a while

DS in for General Engineering (finally!) MCA 4912 - will post to final status in a bit.
SAT: 1570
CSU GPA: 4.17
Max Rigor & Leadership ECs

My DS got into General!! Posting stats on page!!

If decisions werenā€™t released today, does that mean I wasnā€™t admittedā€¦? Iā€™m an in-state student who applied to be in the College of Liberal Arts

@codingismygame: No, acceptances will most likely be continuing through the week but at a smaller scale. Once the waitlisted applicants are notified, then the chances of an acceptance will decrease.

@codingismygame, nope. Decisions still seem to be flowing. Once you start seeing posters mention that theyā€™ve been waitlisted, youā€™ll know weā€™ve entered the next phase.

HA! @Gumbymom beat me to it. :smiley: