Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

Is the Cal Poly portal down this morning?

@momoftwoandone It’s back up as of now (7:14 A.M.)

@momoftwoandone The servers were a bit slow for me this morning, but I turned my WiFi off on my phone and it seemed to have fixed the problem

hoping they were cranking their system up for more acceptances today!

do we think there will be more admissions or should i give up?

Has anyone heard any acceptances from Business dept yet?

I have a 3.54 uw gpa and 1300 sat score. lots of ap classes and extracurriculars. Graphic Communication major. haven’t heard anything yet. should i expect that i did not get in?

I got was accepted late Friday night and my uw gpa was around 3.7/3.8 and my SAT score was 1300 and I have a job and tons of hours spent doing extracurricular for dance. I didn’t think I would get in because everyone is so smart. So good luck and I hope you get in ?

@aneagermom and @kerryla, go to the Final Status thread and click the magnifying glass by the page numbers. Search for biology and business respectively. You’ll be able to see acceptances plus MCA and/or stats.

@slo543689 @3birdies @collegeconfidentialfan1 @laurencm13

If you would all do a little extra leg work and calculate your MCAs and post to the Final Status thread, it would be VERY helpful to future applicants. Thanks!

Still haven’t heard anything.

4.1 GPA
1460 SAT
Lots of APs and Extracurriculars
4 year Varsity Volleyball player
Student Government
Paid Job and lots of volunteer hours
Applied to Business Administration

I think it’s just random in terms of when admission decisions come out. The smartest kid I know at my school hasn’t even heard back yet.

Still no word for D for Mech Engineering (in-state app, 1340-700 math, 3.9 UWGPA, MCA??)
Thank goodness she was accepted at (so far) 12/14 schools she applied to! SLO is tough- she knew that going in to this application season.
Looks like more and more I will be Texas Aggie mom! She’s likely attending A&M.
Congrats to all who got in over the weekend!

just got into ag business!!!

@Jtuell8 Well last year, two of our valedictorians (we have a max GPA of 4.5 so 5+ people get that) who were the leaders of our National Honors Society and a part of the girl powered Robotics team were rejected from the school, so anything is possible.

Daughter just received acceptance to AG Science
GPA 4.20 CSU Max
MCA 4900

any chance child development acceptance could still come out. slo is the school i really want to go to and i’m heartbroken i haven’t gotten in.

@Gumbymom @eyemgh
Hello-it seems that all the hoopla of the weekend’s acceptances has died down. Would this mean that admissions is now transitioning to waitlist notifications? Is this how the pattern worked in past years? Or do you think this was just the first wave of higher stat admits and they could still go through and accept the next level students for each major? And how much time is usually between last wave of acceptances to the first waitlist notifications?
Thank you!

@805Mommp, These last couple of years have all been a bit different. I wouldn’t hazard a guess as to how this will go. You will know when we do about waitlist. It’ll be posted here by someone. Good luck!


No one from the San Joaquin Valley California/my city have gotten any results of acceptances and at least an amount of people hear from my school of acceptances from CPSLO so it’s not 100% done with acceptances