Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

Still waiting for Art an Design, portfolio sent mid feb. Transfer, so may have to wait even longer. Has anyone heard of a transfer getting in?

My friend said that she called admissions s and was told the bulk of IOS admissions will come in 2 weeks. True? Doesn’t seem like it to me.

@eyemgh ahh, that makes sense, selectivity is one thing, but then strength of the applicant pool is another
 It’s a complicated process!!

this is too stressful.

@nodramallama13, where else did you apply and where have you been accepted?

I got accepted to Graphic Design today, my gpa was well below the school average but my sat was above it, and my portfolio must have been pretty good :slight_smile:

@eyemgh i’ve been accepted to channel islands, monterey bay, and san francisco state and haven’t heard from ucsd and ucsc. cal poly is my top choice and i’m heartbroken that i don’t think i’ll get in. i really loved the school.

@nodramallama13, it’s good you have solid options and still have other possibilities. What is important to know is that year after year when people are asked if they were happy with their undergrad, 80% say yes, even if they attended the school that they thought was their least favorite. That’s because we have a tendency to think we know that the future will be like, but in reality, all we picture are idyllic things. We typically get it pretty wrong. CP or no CP, you will be fine. Hang in there and don’t let it get you down.

Update for Art&Design majors
my S got accepted in Art & Design around 5pm today. He sent portfolio in early Feb I think so we thought decision would be delayed another week. Not sure what his MCA was. 4.19 GPA and 1480 SAT

@Jna643 This thread may be of some help, it is for this upcoming fall transfers!

@lunalunaluna still waiting to hear for marine science as well, can you post if you hear anything?

@lunalunaluna Yes. My daughter got into Marine Science OOS - 4734 MCA. I saw one other in state with MCA of 4800. Good luck!

@plzgivmecollege - same here - and for foreign language as well- aerospace applicant. It’s likely bc you didn’t self report your middle school math. (and in our case, spanish too). I spoke to admissions and they only look at “self reported coursework”- which is supposed to include middle school math and foreign language (although you wouldn’t have known that unless you clicked on the link that gave instructions on how to complete the section). Frustrating forsure!

@marinebioslo Congrats to your daughter! I hope they are still spots available. We too have only seen the two you mention.

Son was accepted on Monday. GPA: 3.55 weighted and 1310 SAT. Undeclared Major.

Regarding MCA Calc. Any points given for parents being high school graduates, no college? I only see points for parents NOT graduating high school (300 points per parent).

@SBmom I would have thought some points would be given for parents who graduated from Cal Poly but no

@SBmom1989, nope

@Latoure, Cal Poly does not accept “undeclared” as a major (see #1 linked below). You may want to look carefully at his paperwork and see what major he will be starting in. He won’t be starting undeclared and he won’t be allowed to petition to change majors until he has completed at least one quarter. Major changes are not guaranteed. I’d do some deep digging before saying yes to CP so as not to be shocked upon arrival.

@Latoure: Your son could have not been accepted into Undeclared since SLO does offer Undeclared. Please clarity his information and post his stats/MCA points on the Final status thread.

@Latoure I forgot the link. Oops.