Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@Gumbymom: That’s interesting. Thanks so much for your help. Do you happen to have the FALL 2019 PROGRAM LEVEL TARGET WORKSHEET? I’ve seen it before, but can’t seem to locate it now.

Yes and thank you @CollegeFever13. I did not see your replies until now. I see the list of projections by year. Perhaps the 2019/20 wasn’t released and I saw the 2018/19 before.

@homestretch - I haven’t seen the 2019-2020 projections yet, either.

@CollegeFever13 @homestretch99: Usually the current year projections 2019-2020 are posted after the fact so you do not usually seem them until later in the year after admission decisions have been posted.

Do you think it’ll be march 1st again?

@Gumbymom it’s interesting to see how they are targeting less students in some Engineering majors and more students in others.

I can’t say for sure. I emailed SLO and CPP to see if there was a window for releasing decisions. Pomona started on February 1 and is going until March 31 so keep checking and you will get a decision but when it comes out will be random. I am not sure about San Luis Obispo because they are not rolling but their sources say by April 1 so they could take a while longer.

Than the prior year.

Fingers crossed for a positive outcome, my two siblings went to CP but that doesnt count for anything as far as I know … it would be great to just know asap so decisions can be made either way and plans for the summer and beyond made! Come one CP get going!

What is the biology acceptance rate?

@putinator: Based on SLO’s projection targets and using a 33% yield, the acceptance rate for Biology is around 10%.

What is the acceptance rate/ average scores for communications?

What about biomedical engineering? @Gumbymom

@uwlover267 and @memelover123: I will link you the SLO projections. You take the FTF target number and multiply by 3 (this assuming a 33% yield which may or may not be correct) than divide by the FTF App number to get an approximate acceptance rate for each major.

@Gumbymom Do you think I have a chance? MCA 4800 ACT 32 GPA 4.04 Business Major, Thank you ?

Do agree with the math, and it makes sense but the 10% seems low.

Looking at student profile for the same year (latest) - they say Science and Math accepted 3753 of 11,923 applicants, so the 3x yield may actually be more like 5x. (641+117) Target based on 3753 admits (4.95x).

Just trying to find some positive to hope for while we wait for decisions!

unfortunately for biology, and for architecture in the College of Arch and Enivro Design CAED), you have to scroll down to the particular college and look at the individual major to crunch the number effectively. For example, in Math and science CSM) if you chose Statistics as a major they would accept most all the applicants, but in bio just a few (maybe 10%). Likewise in CAED if you chose construction management, or landscape, you’d have a very high acceptance rate (close to 100%) but if you chose arch (like my daughter is) it goes way down to 30%. It’s all about demand and number of spots available.

@keepingitsimple: I would say you are a competitive applicant. Best of luck.

Thank you @Gumbymum for all the info you share and questions you have answered!

@keepitsimple: My pleasure and hopefully you and the many other anxious posters will hear good news within the next few weeks. Just remember that were you go for Undergrad will not define you. What defines your success will be taking advantage of all opportunities that you are given. “Bloom where planted”.