Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

Waiting for Communications


Like too many others, we failed to report middle school courses on my son’s Cal Poly application. His MCA would have been 4773, but is instead 4423. It breaks my heart, because I helped him check his application before submitting it, and we were both wondering about those classes and in the end assumed it would be obvious he took them since he took Algebra 2 and Spanish 3 as a freshman. And of course, this was just before the midnight deadline to submit the application. I wish I’d known about this board sooner! He applied to General Engineering, and all I can do is hope he at least gets on the waitlist. His first choice is UCSB (and with a 4.55 GPA, 1540 SAT, 800 Math II SAT, etc., I hope he has a chance), but CP would have been a nice option for him to have. :frowning:

I’m in the same boat. I didn’t see a place to enter the middle school courses. Hence it dropped my mca by about 250 pts or so. It’s a shame that someone with 8 reported semesters of math that took ap calc, Calc 3, and differential enquations all in high school doesn’t look as good as someone that took 10 semesters of basic math :frowning:

Waiting for philosophy

Anyone heard for kinesiology yet?

PSA some transfers have started to find out, which is strange considering no freshmen waitlists have been reported yet.

@hsco2019: I would run the Net Price calculator for SLO. You will be eligible for Federal aid and Cal Grants and yes will be expected to take out a student loan to make up the gap. I just did a quick estimate based on a family income of $40,000 for a family of 4. No other students in college. I get around $12,000 in financial aid (need based) with a student contribution of $14,000. You are eligible for a Federal student loan of $5500 as a Freshman and the rest will have to paid through savings/parent income/college savings or Parent Plus loans.

SLO will not meet need so even if your EFC is $215, that would be the minimum you would pay and most schools that do not meet need will gap you.

Run the NPC and then wait for the official FA package from SLO. You should expect to have loans in your FA package.

For those talking about missing out on adding middle school grades, I am in the same position. I’m assuming we can’t add the middle school grades to our GPA since it won’t match the final high school transcript, so the only place where it could have made a difference is in the number of courses taken in each area calculation. There is a 750 point cap on that I think, so I hit that even without my middle school classes. So I’m assuming for others who are writing about 250 point differences currently have ~500 points on that part of the MCA?

My son would have had a 725 for course rigor, but that went down to a 375 without his middle school grades (2 years of math and 2 years of foreign language).

Transfers are starting to get notified today.

does that mean that freshman admissions are over?

Have there been any Rs or WLs for freshmen yet?


Anyone heard for Liberal Studies?

My daughter’s a sophomore at Cal Poly and just recently finished switching from Environmental Management to Business. It wasn’t easy. They first looked at her high school grades to see if she could be considered. One of her friends was told her at this point that she wasn’t eligible. Then she had to bring her overall GPA up to a certain level. Then she had to take 3 business classes and get a certain GPA. I’m told it really depends on what you want to switch to. One of her friends switched to something that wasn’t impacted and it was very easy.

This is ridiculous and is changing how my son views this school. No decision may be in his favor afterall. He has high stats, top 3% and still no decision. The UC’s are looking better by the day.
Even if they are still reviewing apps, they should have planned for this.

Do they send out rejection letters later? Or have they already sent some out?


As Globehead said it depends which major you are changing into.
It should be much easier to switch a major within the college.

My son was able to change his major after one semester(he is freshman)
in the business school.

I am not sure if he was qualified to change his major in the first place
as he got accepted off the waitlist last year.

He eanred GPA 4.0 in his first semester and went to talk to a counselor
and was told there would be no problem.

It was approved I think within a month.

Have you heard of anybody who has gotten into Communications? I genuinely haven’t heard from anybody in Com with a response whatsoever.