Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@bridgetross I’ve heard from other schools that they’ve already sent some out.

@orangecountyapplicant I havent heard either for COM

For anyone who’s doubting the Job/EC questions validation and thinking that “CP is favoring the dishonest,” for those who have been accepted, I highly recommend you get your DS/DD to get a signed verification memo by coaches/employers/HS counselors/etc. For example, I had my DS have his Burger King manager sign an official letterhead memo validating avg # hours worked. I haven’t heard of CP validating but I do know for fact that several other schools have (and this year, CP may be inclined to do so).

This is my DS’ important lesson in career/life: Always CYA (Cover Your Arse).

So no one has heard from COM yet? This is getting super frustrating

I still haven’t heard from Nutrition, a little sad at this point that I probably got rejected

if you put on your application you took 8 semesters of HS math, but then you also were dual enrolled and took 2 semesters of college math, would that just mean that you have 10 total semesters of math for the mca? or how does a college class come into play in mca?

@plzgivmecollege: You would have 10 semesters of Math if you include the college courses so maximum rigor points for the MCA Math section.

For 12th grade ih the HIGHSCHOOL section, I put that I am taking Calc III with differential equations. Then in the college section I put that I was also taking math 260 and 265 (calc III with differential equations). Since I screwed up and forgot to enter my middle school classes, would that have unintentionally fixed my problem by bringing me back to 10 semesters of math?

@plzgivmecollege: According the Cal State apply instructions, you enter the college courses under the College section not in the High School section.

College courses taken concurrently while in High School must be reported on the Transcript Entry Screen for each college attended. Be sure to visit the A-G Matching screen after completing the Transcript Entry page.

Not sure if by entering both in the HS section and College section there would be an issue but if entered correctly, that would bring you up to 10 semesters.

admitted for business!!!

@stressedout111 Congrats! Did this just happen? Looking for any glimmer of hope we can at this point.

no I was freaking out and then checked my spam folder!!! I got it a few days ago

@plzgivmecollege I just checked my D’s CalStateApply and all of her 1 semester dual enrollment math courses were counted as a full year. So you are fine with maxing out math for the 500 points. Go to your CalStateApply application online and then to the a-g section and it will tell you how many years they are crediting you with. Once you’ve got the 500 points in math for the MCA you just need 250 points from the others (language, science, etc) to max out the 750 points for course rigor.

do we think freshman admissions are done.

@nodramallama13 Yes. Since there were no new releases today for Freshman and some transfers are now starting to hear. I bet we will start seeing waitlist/denied posts next week. It makes no sense why they did it this way this year. It’s bad.

@college2019bound: They have been doing admissions this way for at least 6 years since my older son applied except for the weekend notifications which was new this year.

@Gumbymom So you are saying for the past 6 years they have released some in waves and then nothing for days and then what? I don’t see any posts the last few years leaving applicants this confused and in awe. This year is worse!

i really thought i had a shot but i guess not.

@college2019bound: Yes, they usually start with a wave of OOS acceptances followed by a couple of days of in-state acceptances, then about a week later the waitlisted applicants followed finally by the denials. Similar pattern each year except for the weekend decisions this year. Also the transfers usually hear after all the Freshman applicants have heard one way or another so their acceptances are early this year.

@nodramallama13 Now that sdsu and Davis have admitted/waitlisted/rejected, it makes sense that CP Slo will get on with their next phase next week. I can’t believe they have dragged this out this year. They knew how many applications they were getting, they know how this is supposed to work. This is no accident, it’s just stupid and playing with us.