Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

I guess they must have the space if it’s being required. Our son’s roomies are from all different majors (and colleges), which is nice…If certain students are required to stay and others (roommates/friends) aren’t, that could be a bummer and probably likely because dorm housing isn’t assigned by major/college, it’s assigned by interests. It’s too bad it wont be required by all right away. Clearly I’m just babbling and passing time as we wait…?

Yes, I could see where this would be a real bummer and totally affect my daughter, if she gets accepted/attends Cal poly, her major would be in CAFES but that’s not the LLC she’s hoping to apply to.

This new housing policy could be the reason the acceptance notices are a little later than we all anticipated. The Housing site was most recently updated February 25.

Why would that delay acceptance notices though?

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@heavyduty445 Only guessing here, but thinking that such a change in policy would take longer to implement. After all, they only updated the housing site 6 days ago and need to make sure all messaging is updated and aligned–website, admissions notices, housing apps, etc. It’s a big shift and will likely affect some potential admits’ decisions whether to attend or not since on-campus housing is more expensive than off. All conjecture at this point, obviously.

Ah true I guess that could make sense. Do you guys think there’s any chance decisions come out today?

I have never heard of results coming out on a Sunday.

last year, they came out on Sunday, March 3

Wow, I had no idea. I stand corrected. Thanks for sharing.

do you think they could come out at 5 PM PST?

Last year, OOS started coming out around Feb 28 – a Thursday. I highly doubt they will be starting on a Sunday this year. Of course anything is possible – but it is highly doubtful.

We can be hopeful!

On our tour they talked about the new 2 year housing requirement. They said if you have friends and want to room together you can; you name each other in your request and you pick the same LLC. Your number one choices have to match. I liked the requirement in theory…we drove around and a lot of kids were walking late at night, it wasn’t lit really well (the neighborhoods-the campus was fine) and the bike paths were lacking. A different feel from Davis where it was made for biking and Davis has plenty of off campus housing.

Any particular reason why you think they would send out admissions at a specific hour like 5 PM?

@JandTsDad just an educated guess

What information that you have seen or heard would lead you to that educated guess of sending out admissions at 5 PM?

My son found out last year via his portal on 2/28/19 at 1:30 CA time. OOS school of Architecture. The email prompt came after it was posted. He is in the process of looking for off campus housing for 2020-2021. He’s finding it challenging but his group of five is determined to move off campus. The average house in a decent location and in good shape is about $1,000/month per person, plus utilities. For a 12 month lease that brings it in around $12,500 to $13,000. You can spend more (easy) or a little less(more difficult). This is actually more expensive than the rate for on campus apartments for 2020-2021 which is about $11,500 all in and furnished. The monthly rate is more since on campus is a shorter lease (academic year only) but the total is equal or less from what he’s experiencing. I wonder if housing costs will come down in SLO as Cal Poly retains more of the market. Theoretically, by the time the entering class (fall 2020) are juniors, there will be a few thousand fewer students looking for off campus housing. And a couple years after that up to 5,000 fewer. It’s a lot for a freshman to deal with this having only been at school for 4 months but for some kids it is a better fit. Good luck to all with admissions.

The thread last year shows first acceptance about 5pm

Well, looks like the 5pm theory doesn’t apply this year… The wait continues!

It’s probably more of a “ not on a Sunday” thing. We’ll see tomorrow