Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

This discussion was created from comments split from: **FRESHMAN CLASS OF 2024 STATS ONLY DECISION THREAD (Final Status)**.

@SoCalDad73 This man is speaking facts honestly. It is good to be hopeful of your chances to get in but he is right about the math of it all…

Well, I agree with @SoCalDad73’s point, but his math is wrong. In his scenario, the general odds drop to 17.6%, not 15%

@socaldad2002 Just curious, you seem to speak with such authority, do you KNOW how many decisions have been sent out at this point? Or are you merely conjecturing? And PS, I didn’t see anyone requesting a therapist.

@SoCalDad73 what makes u think half of the acceptances have been announced? Is this a guess?

@SoCalDad73 Just curious, you seem to speak with such authority, do you KNOW how many decisions have been sent out at this point? Or are you merely conjecturing? And PS, I didn’t see anyone requesting a therapist.

Wrong SoCal Dad in first post.

Thank you! His stats are almost identical to my daughter, so there’s hope!!!

Out of curiosity, has anyone heard of user error inputting scores and such on the application and that threw off their MCA (if they use that for admission), and let them know after acceptances have gone out? If so, did it change their acceptance?

The application is quantitative, everything is assigned a value, and if people didn’t input their grades, scores, ECs # correctly, it would lead to an accurate number, leading to not getting an acceptance.

I know that when we applied, this was a concern for us and we looked over it multiple times to make sure that we inputted all of the information correctly (especially the 8th grade math portion).

Just curious if anyone has run into that scenario…

Based off of a reddit list I would guess that about 500-1,000 people have been accepted. About 100 people responded to the reddit and I would think that about 10-20% of applicants are looking at that. SLO accepts 15,000 people with the hope to admit around 4,500ish. If my “guess” is solid, that suggests that 14,000 more people are going to get admitted or waitlisted. With that said probably 63,000 people applied.

Cal Poly SLO is the only CSU that my daughter applied to, and I have to say, this process of releasing acceptances in waves instead of all decisions (accept, deny, waitlist) all at once has to be the dumbest way to do things. It causes needless anxiety among the applicants who didn’t receive a decision in the first wave. Just look at the last several pages of posts on this thread – did anyone get into [major x], is there a second wave coming, my stats are better than my friends, and they’ve already heard, etc. This is ridiculous, and totally unnecessary.

In any event, under this stupid process where only acceptances are issued first, @SoCalDad73’s point about the math being obvious rings true. As a GENERAL
proposition, if you didn’t get your acceptance decision in the first wave, your odds of admission have decreased. And it doesn’t matter whether 50% of the acceptances have been announced or 10%. You’re fighting over fewer slots.

I’m withholding comment on the accuracy of your guesses, but Cal Poly already reported that 52,411 first-time freshmen and 10,758 transfer students applied this year.

Is financial aid and scholarship released at the same time with the decisions?

Our daughter was accepted yesterday in graphic communications. She found out yesterday (Wednesday) morning. I’d love to hear more from previous students/families about their experiences in the communications department.

Seems like an exciting opportunity.

A few points to put this debate to bed.

@NoVaRat : your math is absolutely correct. I was ballparking it, for which I apologize.

@5OnTheHill and @Pepper50 : In case it wasn’t clear from my earlier posts, I am not a CPSLO insider or an admission officer of any kind – I am a parent just like you. My assessment is based on last year’s CC data, where the sum of all acceptances reported during the initial Mar. 3-4 wave appeared to be greater that the sum of all the scattered acceptances between Mar. 4 and 12, when the wait list decisions were released. If this year’s admission cycle follows a similar pattern, I would venture to guess that 50% or more of the acceptance decisions are already out.

@chaota17 : I think your assessment of the Reddit data grossly overestimates the popularity of the platform. I haven’t seen any factual basis for thinking that 10-20% of all applicants respond to Reddit college application threads. I suspect it’s much lower.

Finally, on a more general note, my comments are nothing more than opinions of one parent. You are completely within your rights to agree, disagree or completely ignore them. They certainly aren’t meant to offend anyone’s personal views or sensibilities.

In years past, were there waves of decisions? My best friend is still waiting to hear.


I think we should just sit back and wait for the decisions to come. I don’t think it’s fair to speculate based on past year’s numbers. What SLO is doing this year CAN be very different from last year. For one, this year in-state applicants are getting decisions the same time as OOS applicants. In the past years, OOS applicants were always the first ones to hear on the first days, followed by in-state applicants.

@ASUPLM My son got into General Engineering with a 4.14 CSU GPA, 1450 SAT, in-state.

hi there. I have a 3.81 weighted and 3.65 unweighted gpa with a 26 on act applied for construction management. What do you my chances are?

While they are releasing in a different sequence than past years, last year (based on threads) acceptances rolled out for 7 straight days (2/28-3/6) followed by a pause until 3/12 with the first waitlist post. I didn’t continue to see if any acceptances were spattered within the waitlist, as I suspect there weren’t many. However, today is day 4, so I would suspect they are definitely not done with acceptances for this year.