Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

We know of 5 IS arch acceptances who are NOT using this or a Reddit

Maybe they are waiting this week to see who declines, which might inform their waitlist and a smattering of additional acceptances? For example, WashU architecture might report Thursday so there might be those who accept there and decline SLO, which might open up a spot? Who knows. I am sure there are accepted SLO kids who forgot (one post at least ) to withdraw when they got into their ED, so those might open up a spot?

Congrats to your daughter, my son received it tonight as well!

wow! only 5 so far. also for everybody asking, more impacted majors will come out later and later. the first ‘waves’ were for less impacted majors. yeah, I know, it’s anxiety inducing but it is what it is.

^ Do you know if that same rule applies for each school? Still waiting on SDSU as well.

What is the basis for your claim about the timing of the notifications and how impacted the major is? Would you consider computer science to be an impacted major?

Computer Science is likely the MOST competitive major at SLO to get into. Followed by ME and BME

what about computer engineering?

That’s exactly my point. There are a number of CS applicants who have already been notified in the first “wave,” including my daughter. That why I’m questioning @peacelily555’s contention that the more impacted majors find out later and the less impacted majors find out first.

My understanding is that CE would be in the group right behind those top 3

I struggle with that as well as I don’t expect many of those super high stat kids accepted early to be turning down Cal Poly before they hear back from UCB, Stanford, Cal Tech, UCLA, Mudd and others. Which spots are actually going to open up between now and the end of the month that would allow for more acceptances?

Sounds like some are saying the waves will be

Acceptance wave 1 / Acceptance wave 2 / Waitlist / Rejections.

Other saying
Acceptance wave 1 / Waitlist / Rejections.

Can anyone link to last years thread for this same topic ?
Seems we could see how the waves played out.

The college confidential search didn’t prove useful.

Last year the acceptance wave ran for one week, then no news/silence for 6 days before the first waitlist was posted. Since it’s been quiet for the past few days, I suspect waitlists will be coming next, followed by rejections Maybe a few random acceptances will come throughout…

Hope I’m wrong. It does seem like this year’s wave was short with much less acceptances posted but that could be due to the number of users on cc.

I concur with @gratefulmama. I think with the new redesign of the website and requiring an email login, many posters have left CC so the # of posted acceptance seems low. Also CC posters are only a small minority of accepted applicants even on the busy years.

I have found that the UC forum posts are also much less than in previous years so far.

Since there has been no significant acceptances posted since last week, they are probably evaluating the alternate major choices and then will start offering waitlist spots. Again, all speculation but following SLO decisions for 7 years, it is unfortunately a long and drawn out process.

@gumbymom , we have friends who’s kids were offered admission in prior years for summer. do you have an idea of how that plays into the waves and is factored into an admissions decision? Maybe ahead of a waitlist decision? And is this rare?

I am from California, too, and I have been accepted and am considering Purdue as well! But I am still waiting on Cal Poly . . .

@separatelayer besides tuition, how will you compare Both schools? They both are really good. It is hard to decide. We are also still waiting for UC’s.

@Marlinmom: I need clarification regarding your statement about summer admission. Are you saying applicants were accepted to attend during the summer or were accepted during the summer prior to Fall quarter?

The only way an applicant would be admitted during the summer would be if they were on the waitlist and spots opened up during the summer prior to Fall matriculation.

As far as I know, SLO does not offer summer admission for New Freshman except through the Early Start program but these students were admitted in the regular admission cycle in March, not later.

Sorry, but I don’t think this is true about the impacted majors. Architecture has come out and that is likely one of the most impacted majors next to CS, which has also come out. That being said, it doesn’t mean there won’t be more acceptances.

Completely agree. It’s one thing to be hopeful and optimistic, but it’s entirely another thing to spread disinformation. It’s why I challenged the veracity of this post last night. It seems demonstrably false.