Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

CA governor just ban gathering over 250 people. Hope this will be done before high school graduation.

Not a ban. Guidance/recommendation:

Gov. Gavin Newsom recommended late Wednesday that Californians postpone or cancel all large gatherings until at least the end of March to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus…

Under a new policy issued by his Department of Public Health, Newsom said public events should be limited to no more than 250 people and should not proceed unless organizers could ensure at least 6 feet of distance between attendees. Gatherings of people who are at high risk of contracting the virus, he said, should be kept to 10 or less…

Because it is merely a guidance, the policy does not carry the force of law.

My daughter is waiting to see if she has been accepted for Liberal Studies, the portal still says no determination has been reached. I see that some acceptances have gone out, does this mean she is likely not accepted? She has been accepted to other CSU’s and UC’s we are waiting to make a final decision because Cal Poly is on the top of her list. Not sure if we should be moving on or not.

Waitlist info from 2017 should have an asterisk, because SLO admitted 1,000 too many students due to a higher than expected yield.

In 2018, 6,643 students were placed on the waitlist. 2,426 were admitted for an acceptance rate of 37% (rounded up).

Just found this on Cal Poly website: Enrollment Target and Projections for Fall 2020. You can see how many people applied for fall versus how many they want to enroll.

Waitlisted for Mechanical Engineering
4.2 CSU GPA(capped), 4.43 uncapped
1540 SAT
10 hours/week extracurriculars, related to major,
work experience related to major.

@Babayee my niece was accepted to Biological Sciences in the first wave. 1490 SAT, 4.2 capped (9-11 GPA 4.3, UW 4.0)

Feel like I should apologize to my son for being born a white male to college-educated parents = P. Fingers crossed for the waitlisters, my son won’t be taking his spot on the list.

I don’t think that CP consider race as factor.

No, they don’t, but First Gen helps a lot.

@kikiob Thanks for sharing the Enrollment Target and Projections. It makes more sense now knowing they are only targeting to accept 25 FTFs to Microbiology. That probably means ~75 were actually offered admissions.

That is a really small group! But nice to have numbers nontheless.

From 9/13/2018: “New Opportunity Fee to Improve College Access for Low-Income and First-Generation California Students”

So, those lower stat students being accepted just might be due to other factors beyond GPA and SAT/ACT scores.

@jf20201 Me too. No decision yet…

waitlisted for Marine Science

1420 SAT
3.89 unweighted GPA 4.19 weighted

Im first generation and got diagnosed late with ADHD this year, the second semester of senior year since my home country did not believe ADHD is an actual diagnosis. Which means I did not get the supporting aids for school and the SAT test. If I get denied, would this be a possible appeal?

waitlisted poli sci
4.3 gpa
1390 sat

Daughter wait listed (Public Health) at SLO/ accepted at SDSU Public Health
4.2 Capped GPA/4.77 Weighted
15 hours+ activities a week
1290 SAT
CA Student

Hoping the UC essays help her chances there…

Any thoughts on the waitlist and who is chosen? My daughter on paper has I would think the right stats, but was waitlisted for bio. I’ve seen some posts stating it’s due to the school assuming she may go elsewhere, but she is concerned that all the schools will feel the same way. However, she’s already early admit at CSDS; Gonzaga, UC Santa Cruz, Chapman, USD so she already has other options … I’m just trying to keep her spirits up!

DD waitlisted for bio:
4.40/3.85 GPA
1500 SAT
First Gen
4800 MCA
job, more extra curr. than one person should do, compelling story.

First rejection is a tough one. Good luck to everyone and try to stay positive during this stressful time, made even more stressful by recent events!

Cal Poly has cancelled open house and prospective student tours.