Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

@casewagstaff what was your major?

Congrats for being accepted to these very good universities. How big are merit scholarships from these universities. So far the biggest we get is COA plus MacBook Pro for free.

@Meli1168 I’m in the same boat. She so upset.

@losername - My D was waitlisted as well with strong stats. (She accidentally omitted one of her two senior math classes from the app which made her lose MCA points. Totally her fault.) However, now that I understand SLO’s MCA calculator, I can see how high stat kids still don’t make the cut. While in some ways SLO’s system seems very fair, I can’t help but think it is unfair for kids that don’t attend schools with many class options. This was not the case for my D but does make me appreciate the holistic review more.

Congratulations on your other great options and thanks for remembering to opt out of the waitlist to make room for others!

Not surprised. Cal Poly has a very small program compared to UCD. My older daughter is a bio major at UCD and loves it. NGL it’s rigorous. Full year of chem, full year of Ochem, which are both killer for most. That said, she got through it and loves the bio classes. They also schedule chem tutors in each dorm unit, so kids have resources. Overall, I’ve been very impressed with UCD.

Waitlisted - instate CS. 1590 SAT, 4.0 UW, 4.3 W…spent my freshman year in India though and there wasn’t a room for explanation of grades nor did they let me enter numerical percentages (my school did not have letter grades) so I guess that hurt? no idea honestly…but it’s okay, I have other great options!

Scholarships varied from $15,000 - $35,000 a year. Unfortunately I didn’t apply for merit aid at Vanderbilt because I didn’t think I’d get in and the essays were intense and I ran out of time (they were due Dec 1). Fortunately my parents said don’t worry about the cost, just go to the best school you get into that’s a good fit. I’m still waiting to hear from my other reach schools. I was hoping to visit campuses over Spring Break but looks like they are all canceling visits. Crazy times.

Son is also wait listed.

Also wait listed at UC Davis today.

Major: Marine Science
GPA: 3.6/4.2 ( 9-11)
SAT: 1530
9 APs
Internship and intensive community service for land conservancy.

We think he is probably going to be wait listed or rejected by UCI, UCSB, USB, UCSD altogether :frowning:

Good thing he has UW and UCR’s acceptance, thank GOD!!

Please feel free to share your comments.

He will like UW. It’s a beautiful campus! My daughter is there and loves it.

Could you tell me what does FTF and NTR stand for?

Full Time Freshmen and New Transfer

@Birdog construction management

It seems like it would be just as easy to type out daughter, son, wife, or husband and be perfectly clear in what is being written.

Maybe I am just a knucklehead.

I am international student and still haven’t received my decision, should i be concerned?

Have invitations for the Cal Poly honors program gone out yet? I can’t find any updated info for this year on their website. I know that admitted students can still apply if they are not invited, but can’t find any details. Thanks!

@mrglubglub Haven’t see any invites yet, but from the honors website, it says
Application Requests: Opening Soon for Fall 2020
Application Deadline:
Notification to students:

Doesn’t appear the notices have gone out yet.


Acronyms are commonplace in texting as any teenager will say. That said, it’s the adults that use these terms all over the internet, and have for as long as I can remember. Regardless, it’s a topic for another thread and unrelated to California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (which itself is always abbreviated), so let’s move on. :slight_smile:

Typically, international students are notified first of acceptance. The fact that you haven’t been accepted would be of concern.

Still haven’t heard… is it safe to assume rejection at this time?

I wouldn’t assume anything. Keep thinking positive.