Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

International applicants have to submit their transcript before being accepted.

Then you heard wrong. Look at the final stats thread. What you’re saying isn’t borne out by the posts in that thread.

@annachaff12: SLO many years back use to do decisions alphabetically by College but that has not happened for several years now.

I meant alphabetically by major

Still false.

Do the admission decisions going in batches? Haven’t seen any email yet

Thoughts as to whether people think the waitlists at CalPoly and elsewhere will move faster this year due to every college canceling their new admitee days? Reasoning being that kids won’t delay or take as long to accept spots if they aren’t going to be attending multiple events at different schools throughout April.

I think it might go faster. If open houses were still on, my daughter would be considering one other school, but without the visit, she’s pretty much decided and there’s nothing much that can sway her.

Does no determination at this point mean rejection?

I don’t know what faster would look like. Kids still have until May 1. I don’t think there is much incentive to letting schools know before then. I would imagine the waitlists won’t move much at all until May. Could be wrong though. I hope I am.

My D has already started notifying schools that she’s eliminated off her list. The incentive is knowing that other kids waiting can find out sooner.

@gratefulmama yes, thank you!

Dumb question, I’m looking for the final stats thread for SLO and can’t locate it. Does anyone have the exact name or link? Thanks so much!

Hi everyone! Have any economics majors heard back from CP SLO yet? I still haven’t heard back yet, wondering if this could indicate a waitlist or rejection?

Yes, my son knows seven kids that were accepted for economics.

hello! does anybody know someone who has been accepted into the food science major?

If you were placed on the waitlist is there anything you can do to increase your chances of getting in such as sending a letter of continued interest or is it just more waiting?

I still have not received a decision yet… when is the next round?

Have folks got acceptances for mechanical engineering?