Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

Nobody knows anything for sure.

Yes. Search the final status thread for “mechanical.”

I applied to SLO for marine science and still haven’t heard back. I have a 3.9 W and 3.5 UW GPA, 31 ACT, am a first-generation college student, applied to the EOP program (where I explain how I was orphaned when I was 15), and have CC coursework.

Anyways, my point is if I haven’t heard back from now does it most likely mean I am awaiting rejection? I am kinda freaking out because SLO is one of my top schools. Thanks!

Does anyone have a time frame as to when the rest of decisions will come out. I feel like everyone I know has heard back and if the rest of us r rejections why wouldn’t they just release them. Really tired of holding out hope.

@TropicKoolKid: Other than opting into the waitlist, you cannot submit anything to improve your chances. SLO does not take into consideration an applicants interest, LOR’s etc…

What were the stats to get into the honors program

The campus is shut down and employees are telecommuting…I wonder if that will affect timing of decisions on portals if they have not been updated yet.

son also waitlisted for architecture. but got in at Cal Poly Pomona, Arizona, and Oregon.

Congrats! Do you know if this showed up on your daughter’s student portal, and if so, where in the portal it can be found?

I was waitlisted today for business. They haven’t emailed me I just checked the portal. How do I opt into the waitlist ?

Still haven’t heard anything from SLO (Business Admin). At this point I don’t really care too much because i’ve gotten into SDSU, CSULB, UCSD, UCSC, and UCSB (my dream school).

I really just wish they would tell me already just to get it over with though.

Would you mind sharing your stats? I’m waiting on business too.

I still haven’t heard from Cal Poly (marine science major). :frowning: It has occurred to me tho that I applied to the EOP, could that be why I haven’t heard back or do they only do that after you’ve been accepted? Does anyone know how it works?

A freaked out senior

Still haven’t heard. I’m getting worried.
Modesto Junior College transfer
Applied Business Administration
All EC’s finished
4.0 GPA

@zozosim: You have to be accepted first before they process your EOP application.

3.49 UW, 4.25 W 1120 SAT. And I am African American, which people say doesn’t help at cal poly, but after their scandal a few years back I wouldn’t doubt that it gave me an edge haha.

Have any communication majors heard?

@moundalay: Yes, from the Stats only thread.

Waitlisted on 6:30 PM on 3/11

Major: Communications
MCA: 4226
GPA: 4.08
SAT: 1210

Son Accepted yesterday afternoon
In State/Bay Area
3.95 CSU GPA
1420 SAT

@zozosim I have not heard anything either. I am a Kinesiology (College of Science & Mathematics) applicant and I qualified and applied to the EOP as well.

CP is a reach for me and I was hoping the EOP application might increase my chances. It would be interesting to know if there are others that are still waiting to hear and applied to the EOP. As @Gumbymom stated, “they process EOP applications after you are admitted”, but maybe they are holding EOP applicants to see if some of the earlier high stat acceptances choose not to accept, especially after some of the big universities (UCLA, UCSB, Ivies, etc.) release their decisions. I was hoping that the EOP application played some part in the admissions decsion. Just hopeful speculation as to why they are waiting so long, especially if it is a rejection.

@DRDEXTER Fingers crossed dude, at this point I’m expecting a no. I haven’t heard of anyone getting in who applied to the EOP, but then again it is likely a small population of us. Best of luck bro.