Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

All majors let people in from the waitlist over time.

Or am I not understanding your question?

Hello! how do you decipher between first or second wave of waitlist? Can you explain your comment please?

@Nighthawk17 what is name of facebook page? Not a big social media person.

Look up cal poly slo parents page. Tracy is the admin person. It is an invaluable page of information letting you know what is going on at the school as well as the area.

The cal poly slo san diego parents page is more who is going up coming home and do you have room for a package. That too, is important as first years do not get cars (rarely).

Has your daughter decided or is she still thinking?

Hey Riley! I just meant when the first big wave of waitlists was sent out. I think it was March 11

My son was waitlisted for computer engineering - is there any way to find out where on the wait list a student may be? Or is it just wait until you here good news or time runs out? Just curious?

@Nighthawk17 Thank you, I signed up for acceptance on FB page. We are still unsure of where she will go. I personally think she will end up at SLO, but she is saying she needs to look into it a bit more.

Son accepted off waitlist yesterday.

Mechanical Engineering
4.0UW/Capped Weighted GPA
SAT 1440
MCA 4600 range
In State

There is no way to find out where a student is on the wait list.

Thank you - I didn’t really think there was but had to ask. He’s also waitlisted at Cal for the same major and really hoping a spot opens up at one of these two schools - but mostly here.

Son accepted off waitlist on April 1.
Mechanical engineering
3.7 unweighted GPA
SAT 1450 (790 math)
MCA ~4420 range
Out of State

It’s too bad, because he got tired of waiting and accepted his offer of admission to Purdue 10 days beforehand. He’ll be declining ASAP so someone else can take the spot.

Son accepted off the waitlist April 1 – Aerospace Engineering

What was his GPA? SAT? MCA?

For those being admitted from the waitlist, were you notified by email or through the portal?

Both - portal first then followed up by an email an hour later.

Thank you

When do financial aid packages come out

@Gumbymom , or anyone else who might now.
My daughter is faces with a hard decision of choosing a school, AND a major. She is admitted to SLO (Aerospace), University of Colorado - Boulder (Aerospace), UCSD (Structural Engineering), UC Berkeley (Sustainable Environmental Design), and a bunch of other places, but these are leading in her possible choices.

She is wondering whether it is possible to do a double major at SLO, for example, being admitted to Aerospace Engineering, also do Architectural Engineering? Or, Being admitted to Aerospace, change the major to Architectural Engineering? I know SLO has “up side down majors”, the kids do go into their majors right away… Thus, figuring it before enrollment is very important, to start right away with the right major, or both majors at the same time. And int he case of my daughter, it is crucial to figure those questions out, before she decides what school to commit to…

This is from the SLO website and Architectural Engineering is not in the College of Engineering so doing a double major between 2 different colleges would be even more difficult.

** Please Note
The College of Engineering does not encourage or recommend double majors. It is extremely rare that a double major request will be approved. Eligible students are encouraged to pursue a master’s program (upon completion of their undergraduate coursework) or a 4 + 1 program.**

Changing from Aerospace to Architectural Engineering at SLO would be easier if that is what she prefers and she only needs to attend 1 quarter at SLO to initiate the change.

Based on the SLO target projections, Architectural Engineering is a slightly less competitive major than Aerospace so she should be qualified as an admitted Freshman to pursue that change.

I believe that she would have a small chance of changing from Aerospace to Architecture, but she would have to get through the first quarter before she can request the change. I don’t believe that she would be allowed to double major with those two.

That said, I would probably choose to go to Berkeley because it has more prestige and is harder to get in.