Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

What is your GPA? SAT? MCA?

Are all the waitlist acceptance was going out rn ? Like if u haven’t heard back is that a reject

If you haven’t heard anything, you have not been rejected.

I think it’s actually more rare to have already heard from the waitlist - the accepted students have until May 1st to commit, so I think the most activity will come in the few weeks after that date - but I’m just guessing. My son was told he would know for sure his waitlist status by end of June, so until that date comes - don’t give up hope!

@NightHawkIV can you provide a link offering backup on your claim a student can’t get credit for Math 141 and 142 if they have a 3, 4, or 5 on CalcAP BC? This link shows prerequisites to take calculus and states: “Math 142, 162 or 182
You are eligible for these courses if you received A’s and B’s in your high school AP Calculus class and earned a 3, 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement AB exam OR if you have credit from another college or university (transcript required for documentation) for a first quarter/semester calculus course (through Fundamental Theorem of Calculus) with grade of C- or higher. AP CALCULUS NOTE: It is the Math Department’s recommendation that students with a score of 3 on the AP (AB) test consider beginning in Math 141 to be certain foundation material is strong before continuing in the calculus sequence.” Has a similar instruction for Math 143. No where does it say you HAVE to take the course you test into, or that you won’t get credit if you take a course below the level you test in to. Many students even with a 5 on AP AB struggle starting with 142 and with BC if the start with 143, so they start a course lower than they qualify to take. Please be careful when providing advice that you double check what you think is correct and provide links, bad advice can cost students and parents a lot of time and money.

@ucgraddad Yes students who are not extremely strong at math have struggled even with a 5 on the AP B/C test starting with Math 143, remember, they will learn in 10 weeks what they learned in a year in college and they will be going through a pretty big adjustment. You are not required to take the course you “qualify” to take, and you will get full credit even if the student starts at 141. Please always double check information you get on line.

I got an email from calpoly about virtual open house when i clicked on it it says that i got in but my portal still says waitlisted so am i waitlisted still

My D got the same but the initial email specifically says “thank you for your continued interest”, which leads us to believe her status has not changed. The open house is generally for admitted students but since it’s virtual they are inviting waitlisted as well. I would not take it as you are admitted until you receive an acceptance email or portal change.

@ronaldmcdonald2001 I received the same message and I am also still waitlisted in my portal. I think the school just sent it out to anyone who had been accepted as well as anyone on the waitlist… but I might be wrong (Id love to be wrong lol). Maybe someone should call admissions…

Click on the virtual open house link. The first thing it says on that page is “Congratulations on being accepted to Cal Poly for the fall 2020 quarter!”

When my D registered for the open house, it specifically asked if she was admitted or waitlisted - so it went to everyone.

“they will learn in 10 weeks what they learned in a year in college”

What does that mean?

I may be wrong, but I think they are referring to their quarter system since each last 10 weeks and are jam packed with classes, info, etc.

Is the cal poly slo housing not working right now?

I think they meant learning in 10 weeks what you learn in a year of high school calculus.

That has got to be what they meant.

Is anyone still hearing back from the waitlist for engineering?

I would expect that there will be a good number of people on the waitlist being notified of acceptance on May 4.

Here are the acceptance projections by major. FTF -first time freshman, NTC - Transfers, UG - Undergrad.

Waitlisted still and didn’t receive the Virtual Open House email invitation as others have mentioned here. Hoping that doesn’t mean a decline notice is coming soon. I saw 1 with his major was already declined off the waitlist and some received surveys. He didn’t get the survey either. Thanks!