Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

Or Computer Engineering? In State?

Has anyone heard back from the waitlist for COnstruction management IN State? Does anyone know how many students are in the construction management major per year?

Anyone heard back from waitlist for business admin? Or does anyone have any news to when it will come out. Before June 15th maybe?

I’m guessing May 15th after 5pm, but with admission teams working from home, who knows.

There’s no way to guess for Cal Poly! A robot and not people make decisions. Please refrain from speculation!

^ true, but in the past it seems many get notified on the 15th. Lots of ucs have been utilizing their waitlists this year, not sure if because corona or if it’s normal

^ It’s due to COVID-19 . From the NY Times’ “Coronavirus Drives Signs of a Major Drop in College Enrollment”:

"… experts say that the number of wait-listed students who are now getting offers … shows that even some of the most selective schools are acting more aggressively to fill freshman classes.

“People are coming off wait lists all over the place right now,” said Debra Felix, a former admissions director… "it tells me that the yeses are coming back very slowly, or people are getting back to them quickly with noes.”

does anyone know how class selection works? is it true that honors programs gets priority registration?

Search this thread. Some have definitely gotten off waitlist for Arch. Seems to be mostly out of state.

Does anyone have an informed guess as to when more waitlist decisions will be sent out? And in that, do you think with all the UCLA and UCB waitlist offers that recently went out, there is any realistic shot for someone in-state on the computer engineering waitlist to still get in? Thank you!

I have no inside info but think it’s a real possibility. If you read the above article in the NY Times, many colleges are worried and want to make sure they have a full freshman class that is paying tuition this fall. In addition to UCLA and UCB, UCSB also pulled a bunch of kids off waitlists just last week. D was going to room with a friend who was hoping for UCSB and got in just last week of the wait list.

Here is is again:

My son is still on the waitlist (software engineering). Cal Poly has notified waitlisters that they were not selected for admission by early to middle of May for the past three years (5/3/17, 5/15/18 and 5/15/19 per posts on this website). Perhaps they are waiting for some of the upstream schools to complete their waitlist process (assuming they would take SIR kids from Cal Poly) before admitting in-state kids from the waitlist. If Cal Poly really needed to fill slots (with instate kids), one would expect that they would’ve started the process already.


Thank you both for the replies - I’ve been trying to stay hopeful for him, but the longer it goes, the less I think they do have many spots to fill. There was so much talk on the UCB waitlist thread of all the spots they must have open to fill, and I think with their wave of waitlist acceptances, only 3 people got in from College of Engineering, so I’m trying hard to increase his interest in the school he’s enrolled in but still trying to stay hopeful for him without getting his hopes up to only be crushed again. Thanks again for the responses.

I feel exactly what you feel right now. Couldn’t have said it better. My son is also trying to get into the College of Engineering and has been waitlisted to 3 schools. I hope we both receive good news.

Which colleges has your son been accepted at?

My son only applied to 7 schools total - Stanford, UC Davis, UCLA, and UCB, then Cal Poly, SDSU and SJSU. He got denied at Stanford and UCLA, waitlisted at UCD, UCB, and Cal Poly and accepted at SJSU and SDSU. He chose not to stay on the UCD waitlist, as he really didn’t want to go there, and then chose SDSU over SJSU for his SIR. He loved SDSU when we toured and they do have a good Computer Engineering program - just not as good as Cal or Cal Poly. For him there is a level of disappointment and frustration in that he has worked so hard to keep his grades near perfect (one B in 11th grade AP English), got that perfect 800 on the math portion of the SAT, and a 790 on the Math II exam, will have 9 AP exams by the end of next week, plays a very competitive high school sport that requires year round time commitment, was in band, had a job - everything you should do, but the “best he got into” was SDSU. I’ve tried telling him not to look at it like this at all - but I know it’s hard when you’re young and you see all your friends with lower GPA’s and test scores getting in to the top schools because they are not going into the engineering field. I think the shut down on other activities also gives them too much time to think (dwell) on it. On the plus side - he did win one of the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarships - which is only 100 students nationwide - so he can be very proud of that. Thanks to you all for understanding and for letting me voice my feelings here since I want to stay positive when talking to him.

I swear, we have the same son. Just replace Stanford with UW and SDSU with ASU. Exact same SAT scores, same B and AP tests. Replace band with orchestra and computer engineering with mechanical! I have the same feelings. All that work and he’s waitlisted for 3 colleges, rejected by 3 and accepted to his safeties. His friends are in at UCLA, Stanford, SLO, UW etc…but none are engineering majors.

Sounds like they are very similar! I’m glad to hear my son (our family) is not alone, but sorry you both are also going through this rough time. Keeping our fingers crossed something will work out here in the next couple weeks. And Good luck to your son on his AP’s this week and next!

All CSUs. Bummed but this is what I expected. “The vast majority of classes across the Cal State system will be taught online, White said, with some limited exceptions that allow for in-person activity.” Released about an hour ago.

Wondering if this means that housing costs will be included in the cost of attendance for incoming freshman, assuming of course that school is completely remote.