Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

@GenghisConn i applied statistics also

how about mathematics?

Same I applied Stats

everyone rlly waitlisted for stats :frowning:

Still no word from Cal Poly waitlist.
D send letter to admission shortly after May 1 deadline, but they just replied that subjective info is not considered, and all you got to do is wait. However, they said that they will make a note of serious intend in her application record.

All that does not matter anymore, since miraculously on 5/18 D got accepted to her dream school UCSB! After she appealed her original rejection.

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@ronaldmcdonald2001 Lmao it’s bad for that, hope some of us get in lol.

anyone think its gonna release today? or next friday?

Here is some wait list for info for upstream* schools:
UCB** 2nd wave student decision due 5/25. Expected small 3rd wave after 5/25
UCLA latest wave student decision due 5/26. Additional expected waves ??

Cal Poly SIR students could select an upstream school wait list offer which could open up additional spots on Cal Poly’s wait list.
mostly school of letters and science

@honeybeedoors Don’t forget UCSD, UCSB, Cornell, Yale, Rice, UPenn…and all the other schools. jk, just don’t stress, it’s outta your hands.

@needhelp8929 Is Cal Poly one of the schools that you have provided your SIR? Or are you on the wait list?

i feel like its going to release early june like first week of june

Check your portals, people.

Hi all. My son just got notified (within the last hour) that he was accepted off the WL for Comms. Check the portal and good luck all!

my son got into Calpoly Slo Mathematies … found out today!

have any statistics people heard back

Congratulations to the people who got off the WL! Please let us know if you are IS or OOS! I am still on the WL for Architectural Engineering : ( .

I was admitted for business admin today off the waitlist! Good luck to all on the waitlist!!!

@treeeee, Accepted off WL today around 5:10 pm In-State for Bus Admin. A bit shocked, as the wait was demoralizing. But extremely happy and this will open up a spot at previous SIR to a good school for someone else. Arch is SUPER competitive at SLO, so good luck to you and all.

chances ard p slim for the rest of us ig when are they going to start releasing more decisions

Got off waitlist for kinesiology, instate