Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

Hi, I emailed yesterday and they replied back today, apparently its just some software issue on their side, they fixed it an hour after I got their email.

Son got off waitlist today for Statistics major but is headed to UCSB, so he declined immediately to free up the spot. SAT 1290 , 4.0 UC GPA (I forget overall). Good luck guys!!

S’s portal hasn’t changed today, still says waitlisted… 6/15 3pm PST Super frustrating, indeed. Anyone else heard anything today?

Rugby1019- Yes, it’s very frustrating- my son is still waiting too. It’s 3:45 p.m. PST.

Has anyone had it changed from waitlist to not accepted??

5:45 PM. No change in my son’s portal, and no email. Still waitlisted.

My son just got in to the business school-he’s deciding if he wants to switch from UCDavis

As I received a notice on my phone from my weather app that San Luis Obispo is being evacuated b/c of fires my son came down and was just admitted from the waitlist for business school too!!! Now need to cancel SDSU so others that want to get in there can be admitted from their waitlist hopefully.

6:45PM - still on the waitlist for Mechanical Engineering

DD got into Bus Adm from waitlist here this morning. Though she doesn’t remember applying for waitlist here. She has already SIR’d at UC Berkeley.

Got off the waitlist for Architectural Engineering today at 6:03 PM.
SAT: 1410
Unweighted GPA: 3.92
UC/CSU GPA: 4.08
Planning to accept as I was previously going to attend community college and transfer somewhere.
Good luck to everyone else still waiting for a decision!

At 7:30 PM my son received an email asking “Would you like to remain on our waitlist?” He was given the choice to stay on the waitlist or opt out.

At this point, I want to give up. This was my dream school and now I feel like they are just going to pull this COVID thing again and I will never get in. Are they just hanging us out to dry? Is it worth it to wait?

@lanaroar Hang in there!

I just got a waitlist response form, and I would assume these come out if they will be going to the waitlist. What major are you waiting for?

construction management

I’m not sure how much this will help but to you and everyone thinking this, I knowww how difficult this is. Waiting for an answer for this long and being led on for this long makes you lose interest in the school, but you have to keep in mind what will be good for you in the long-run. If this is still your dream school and you even have the slightest chance of getting in, keep your head up but try your best to be excited for whatever you have definitely planned for the future. If you’re really meant to go to this school (if you believe in this kinda stuff), it’ll happen eventually. You might be tired of hearing this, but you’ll absolutely thrive wherever you end up. But I also understand the frustration and just wanting to shed off this anxiety and look forward to the plans ahead. Whenever I think this way, I try to meditate and reflect about what I would prefer in the long-run and plan accordingly. I really really wish you the best of luck :slight_smile:

My son is also waiting, applied to study physics. I spoke with admissions office this morning trying to find out what time exactly to expect a response and she just kept saying ‘we will inform everyone today’. I mean, do they really have people in a room checking names at this hour?? Or is it a computer algorithm - as a student declines in say engineering it plucks the first name off an already ranked engineering waitlist?

@lanaroar I don’t think that major has an extreme amount of competition, so you should be fine. I’m CompSci by the way, so unlikely to get in.

8:15pm PST still nuthin… no changes on portal or an email. Kinesiology major… :frowning: